View Full Version : Do you have a special weekly "routine" that you have with your pet??

06-26-2005, 09:20 AM
Every Sunday, MooShoo and I stay in bed late, cuddling. Then, providing it's not TOO hot out, we'll take a ride to the park and sit for a while, while Moo sniffs the fish smells coming from all the fisherman on the pier.

06-26-2005, 12:39 PM
Well, Kayleigh knows that Tuesday nights are her walkie night--she goes other times too, but on Tuesdays I drive her back to the middle of nowhere so she can run off-leash and swim in the old quarry. Don't let anyone tell you dogs can't keep track of such things--she knows when it's Tuesday and I will hear about it if she doesn't get her run!

Because I have so many dogs, I put in some extra effort to make sure they get one-on-one time. At least once a week, I pick a "dog of the day" and they get spoiled all day. They get to go for a walk alone, extra treats and house time. If they like truck rides, I take them for one.

PJ's Mom
06-26-2005, 12:48 PM
We don't have a weekly routine as much as a daily routine. Every night at exactly 10:00, Bailey will start growling and barking and wagging her tail like crazy because she knows it's "Bailey time" That's when she gets her special treat/brushing time. She loves it and when we're more than a minute or two late, she let's us know! :)

06-26-2005, 12:49 PM
does dog training class count? :D

06-26-2005, 04:55 PM
Of course dog training class counts!!

06-27-2005, 01:28 AM
Saturday afternoon is bacon/cheedar treat making time. They all sit in rapt attention till they are made & cooked. Must be their favourite day I think.:D