View Full Version : Shelter Dogs (on HBO)

06-19-2005, 08:24 AM
Has anyone else seen this show?

SHELTER DOGS (http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/shelter_dogs2/)

I just watched it this morning and it is heartbreaking. I think I cried through most of the show:(

Of course there were some happy endings and a few of the dogs they were showing got a new home, but some of them had to be put down.

I honestly can't imagine taking my dog to a shelter (even a nice one like that). Someone said "Oh he's a sweet dog, he's just got too much energy to keep up with" Oh PLEASE! Then don't get a dog:mad:

They also showed a "no kill" shelter and sometimes I think those are worse than a shelter like they were featuring. I know some of you won't agree with me, but have you ever seen some of the dogs in the "no kill" shelters? The woman had some of on video, some of them had been there for years and keep circling, it's like they are slowly but surely going crazy:( It was just so sad to see.
I feel there are some dogs that do need to be put down after seeing this. Some are unadoptable and why put them through years of being kenneled with no hope of adoption? It's just cruel.

If you get a chance watch it or if you've seen it, what do you think?

Oh and if you do watch it, I bet your dogs do too. Mine did and they just seemed to concerned over the sounds those poor dogs were making:(

06-19-2005, 10:35 AM
I've seen Shelter Dogs a couple of times, I always cry when I watch it.

06-19-2005, 11:41 AM
Hi Anna,

I remember talking about "Shelter Dogs" before on PT. There
were a few comments by others here.


I don't have HBO, but I did ask my Daughter to record it for me.
Somehow I've never gotten the video to look at it myself. I was
told how very sad it was so I really didn't rush to see it.:(

Maybe someday, I will.

finn's mom
06-19-2005, 12:18 PM
I've not seen the show. I do agree that sometimes it's more humane to euthanize the animal than to leave it in a cage for years. Just like the death penalty for humans, sometimes I think executing the criminals is the easy way out for them. That it would be harder for the criminal to spend the rest of his life in a cell. I guess I feel the same way about animals, too, although I've never really thought about it that way.

06-19-2005, 12:19 PM
Although I often disagree with Sue Sternburg's theories, I think this was a good documentary. Changed my opinion on her quite a bit. I particularly liked that she said her own dogs would fail her temperment test--I know most of mine would fail her test on one thing or another.

I am not a supporter of the no-kill movement in most cases. I strongly believe that there are fates worse than death. If every rescue could do it like Best Friends, that would be different, but not many places have those kind of resources.

I am a supporter of the low-kill, limited admission shelter. That's what our shelter really is. We call it no-kill in our advertising ect, because the general public doesn't get the difference. We euthanize only the very sick and the aggressive. If you tell us your dog has bitten, we won't accept it or we will euthanize it for you, if it appears the dog is in danger from you. I have gone with many shelter dogs on that last appointment and held their paws so they crossed with someone and knew some kindness in their last moments.

Founder & Raven were starting to get like the dogs they showed on the video, after over a year in the shelter. Not to that extreme, but Raven paced in a circle the size of her kennel all day. After we got her, for months, she continued to pace in that same pattern. Founder started snapping at the staff when they tried to bring him inside, he snarled and lunged at people walking by his kennel. For the first six months I had him, he refused to come near a door. No way was he getting trapped inside a building again. He's been here for 19 months now and he likes to come inside, but he always makes sure he has an escape route! Founder never goes under the bed or into a corner, the door is always in his direct line of sight!

06-19-2005, 02:53 PM
Thanks Liz for the link to the other thread, I don't think I had ever seen that before.
I was just reading from the other thread and I'm not quite sure how I feel about her (Sue). Guess I'll have to do som research on her myself.

Glacier I'm glad that you were able to bring Founder & Raven to live with you. I know they have a good life there:)

06-19-2005, 02:56 PM
I don't think I could bear to watch it.

06-19-2005, 04:37 PM
I saw that a few days ago too.. I managed through most of it, but Agnes' story made me cry :(

I agree though, some dogs DO need to put down if they are too aggressive to be placed. Seeing those poor dogs behind bars for the rest of their lives is heartbreaking, they are constantly stimulated from all the other barking and they just go crazy trying to get out of the small cage they are in.

PJ's Mom
06-20-2005, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I don't think I could bear to watch it.

Me either. I tend to avoid things like this. :(

06-20-2005, 01:19 AM
I tried watching it a year or two ago. I made it through maybe a minute or two and then cried for an hour and never wanted to see the rest. Even after all my years of shelter work, I can't handle watching that.

I have watched and read a lot of Sue Sternberg's videos and books though.