View Full Version : Puzzle 109!

02-09-2002, 07:06 AM
Here are the rules:

1. You may only guess one letter at a time.

2. After you have guessed a letter, you must wait for another player to guess a letter before you can go again.

3. The host of the game responding to a guess does not count as a turn. Should you choose a letter, then receive a response from the member host, you must wait for the next member to guess a letter.

4. One point will be awarded for each correct letter, 2 points for vowels.

5. Only six misses are allowed in the game.

6. If you wish to guess the phrase, send it to my email, [email protected] DO NOT post it on the forum. If you wish to guess a letter, post it on the forum.

7. You must have submitted a correct letter to submit your solution. Unlike letters, if you submit a wrong solution, you are disqualified from continuing in that puzzle.

8. The player who correctly guesses the phrase wins the game. If no one has guessed it correctly after six misses, then the player with the most points wins the game.

And here is what you win...you get to create the next puzzle. (Should you win the game, and do not care to host the next puzzle, you may pass your puzzle play to the member with the next highest points)

Here is the puzzle:

"-- --- ---- - --- -- - -------- -- - -------- --------- -- -- -- ---- -- ----, ----- ----- ------- --- --- ------; -- --- -----." ~----- -------

Letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


02-09-2002, 07:21 AM
:o *blush* im not very good @ this...hope am doing right. *blush*:o

and just wanna ask, what tym are ya all usually online and posting? coz i notice dat nobody's online when im usually online...that's because of my location :( But I'll try my best to tally the scores whenever i'll log in. Thanks in advacne for all your patience. :)

02-09-2002, 10:03 AM
"A" Please!

02-09-2002, 10:32 AM
E, please!

And just do the best you can, that's all we ask! :)

02-09-2002, 10:56 AM
An S please! :)

02-09-2002, 01:42 PM
I, please!:D

02-09-2002, 04:02 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"-- -i- -i-- a --- -- a -i--si-e -- a ----i--s a--e----- i- -- -e -a-- i- E-e-, --e-e --i-- ----i-- -as --- ---i--; i- -as -ea-e." ~-i-a- ----e-a

Letters: bcdfghjklmnopqrtuvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20
Karen 10E's=20
Randi 4S's=4
Gepansy 12i's= 24

gOod StArT Gepansy!


02-09-2002, 04:06 PM
"E" please!

02-09-2002, 04:13 PM
sorry Kfamr :o ...my mistake shoulda taken the "E" out! karen got it before you. Sorry. :o but i think u can have a go with another letter since its my mistake...

02-09-2002, 04:20 PM
"u" please

02-09-2002, 04:26 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"-- -i- -i-- a --- -- a -i--si-e -- a ----i-us a--e----- i- -- -e -a-- i- E-e-, --e-e --i-- ----i-- -as --- ---i--; i- -as -ea-e." ~-i-a- -u--e-a

Letters: bcdfghjklmnopqrtvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4 TOTAL=24
Karen 10E's=20 TOTOAL=20
Randi 4S's=4 TOTAL=4
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24


02-09-2002, 05:05 PM
H, please :)

02-09-2002, 05:36 PM
"D" please

02-09-2002, 09:37 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"-- -i- -i-h a d-- -- a hi--side -- a ----i-us a--e----- i- -- -e -a-- i- Ede-, -he-e d-i-- ---hi-- -as --- ---i--; i- -as -ea-e." ~-i-a- -u-de-a

Letters left: bcfgjklmnopqrtvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5 TOTAL=29
Karen 10E's=20 TOTAL=20
Randi 4S's=4; 4H's=4 TOTAL=8
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24

Go! Kfamr *Simba*, you're on the lead now...!


02-09-2002, 10:21 PM
here is our mascot for the puzzles...! :D


02-09-2002, 10:56 PM
O, please, puzzle mascot! :)

02-09-2002, 11:41 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"-o -i- -i-h a do- o- a hi--side o- a --o-ious a--e--oo- i- -o -e -a-- i- Ede-, -he-e doi--
-o-hi-- -as -o- -o-i--; i- -as -ea-e." ~-i-a- -u-de-a

Letters left: bcfgjklmnpqrtvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5 TOTAL=29
Karen 10E's=20; 13O's=26 TOTAL=46
Randi 4S's=4; 4H's=4 TOTAL=8
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24

Go! Karen, you're on the lead now...!


02-10-2002, 12:24 AM

02-10-2002, 03:50 AM
n, please

02-10-2002, 04:35 AM
Here is the puzzle:

"-o -i- -i-h a do- on a hi--side on a --o-ious a--e-noon i- -o -e -a-- in Eden, -he-e doin- no-hin- -as no- -o-in-; i- -as -ea-e." ~-i-an -unde-a

Letters left: bcfgjklmpqrtvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5 TOTAL=29
Karen 10E's=20; 13O's=26 TOTAL=46
Randi 4S's=4; 4H's=4; 13N's=13 TOTAL=21
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24


02-10-2002, 12:06 PM
"t" please

02-10-2002, 05:25 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"To -it -ith a do- on a hi--side on a --o-ious a-te-noon i- to -e -a-- in Eden, -he-e doin- nothin- -as not -o-in-; it -as -ea-e." ~-i-an -unde-a

Letters left: bcfgjklmpqrvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5; 8T's=8 TOTAL=37
Karen 10E's=20; 13O's=26 TOTAL=46
Randi 4S's=4; 4H's=4; 13N's=13 TOTAL=21
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24


02-11-2002, 01:59 AM
P please :)

02-11-2002, 03:36 AM
Here is the puzzle:

"To sit -ith a do- on a hi--side on a --o-ious a-te-noon is to -e -a-- in Eden, -he-e doin- nothin- -as not -o-in-; it -as pea-e." ~-i-an -unde-a

Letters left: bcfgjklmqrvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5; 8T's=8 TOTAL=37
Karen 10E's=20; 13O's=26 TOTAL=46
Randi 6S's=6; 4H's=4; 13N's=13 TOTAL=23
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24
Fuzzy137 1P's=1 TOTAL=1

Randi, im sorry :o i missed two S's, I corrected them already.


02-11-2002, 03:42 AM
Anybody wanna guess...? :o There are only few lettrs left ;)

02-11-2002, 09:59 AM
I've only just seen this game recently, because I usually only look in Cat or General. I suppose you've done 108 before this one? I don't participate to win the right to make the next game, but just think it's great fun - and a way to practice my english :D

Good initiative, whoever started it! :)

02-11-2002, 11:34 AM
yea, this is fun...and btw your English's good. :D

Anybody wanna guess and save me from having to refresh this page in the middle of the night? :( its 1:29 A.M. here zzzzzzzzzzzz.....);)

02-11-2002, 11:54 AM
it's 1:50A.M. here and still no guesses :o im going to have some shut eye and dream that somebody will be kind enough to give me an answer tomorrow ;) :o :D

02-11-2002, 02:20 PM
hehe i did this puzzle a few puzzles ago..

02-11-2002, 05:18 PM
"M", please

02-11-2002, 07:01 PM
sent in my guess.......

02-11-2002, 07:58 PM
Here is the puzzle:

"To sit -ith a do- on a hi--side on a --o-ious a-te-noon is to -e -a-- in Eden, -he-e doin- nothin- -as not -o-in-; it -as pea-e." ~Mi-an -unde-a

Letters left: bcfgjklqrvwxyz

Kfamr 10A's =20; 2U's=4; 5D's=5; 8T's=8 TOTAL=37
Karen 10E's=20; 13O's=26 TOTAL=46
Randi 6S's=6; 4H's=4; 13N's=13 TOTAL=23
Gepansy 12i's= 24 TOTAL=24
Fuzzy137 1P's=1 TOTAL=1
AmberLee 1M=1 TOTAL=1

02-11-2002, 08:01 PM
Kfamr and I have both sent in guesses. Are either of us correct?

02-11-2002, 08:04 PM
We've Got a Winner!

Here is the completed puzzle:

"To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring; it was peace. " ~Milan Kundera.

The puzzle mascot's gonna announce the WINNER in a short while... ;)

02-11-2002, 08:28 PM

02-11-2002, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Kfamr and I have both sent in guesses. Are either of us correct?

AmberLee, yes, both of you sent in correct answers, but since you posted/sent your answer first, you got to host the next puzzle

KayAnn, your answers correct but came in a li'l late. sorry

Thank You everybody for participating, and making this fun while it lasted...on to the nxt puzzle. :D

02-11-2002, 08:33 PM
its ok i cheated anyways :o i looked back at Audrey's puzzle :o im a cheater :( :p

02-11-2002, 08:35 PM
Many thanks to Kfamr, Randi, Karen, GEPansy, and Fuzzy ... couldn't have done it without your guesses. Many thanks to our able first time puzzle meister, Ellensy. But most of all to the puzzle mascot -- the most colorful puzzle support ever! A big round of appause, to all!

:D :cool: :D ;) :cool: :D

Puzzle 110 is coming up soon. Enter often and enthusiastically, please!!!

02-11-2002, 08:36 PM
np ;) :D

02-12-2002, 07:35 AM
Amber: even though you partisapated in my puzzle? hmmmmm?? lmao j/k..congrats ;]