View Full Version : Computer issues

06-13-2005, 12:07 AM
Ok, so I don't have that much space on my laptop, so I usually save large files (such as anime series) to my brother's computer. I did this the other day, and but for some reason it saved on my computer. The problem is, it doesn't seem to exist on my computer or his. It takes up the 4 gigs, plus I CAN watch it if I open the file in sequoia view...I've tried searching, temp files...everything..I CAN'T find the damn thing!! Any ideas? PLEASE I need to get rid of it?

(ideas other then reformating..I don't want to really..)

06-13-2005, 12:23 AM
Nevermind. I had to download some file manager thingie and I found them on it. The program allowed me to also delete the files :D