View Full Version : would you ever consider holiday house swapping...

06-12-2005, 05:19 PM
I just wondered how many of you would consider ever doing a house swap with someone either in your country, or another country, I have been watching a programme on the TV, which does just that, very interesting.

Personally although the idea is great and also means your holiday is much more affordable, no accomodation cost and you get to meet the locals etc, I am too private a person , so I would probably never do it, how about you, would you? gosh for those of you who would, you could even start one here on PT.:D :cool:

06-12-2005, 06:05 PM
I'm too private of a person as well, but I do think its a cool idea. I also wouldn't trust my animals with people in my home. I'd be afraid the people would leave a door open and let a cat outside or something.

It'd be cool to have a PT one though!

06-12-2005, 07:22 PM
I am too private of a person, myself. I wouldn't do it. But like Aly said it'd be cool for one on PT :)

06-12-2005, 07:22 PM
I would never do it but it sounds like a neat idea!

06-12-2005, 08:03 PM
I would definitely do it, if I didn't have pets. A family in my neighborhood did swap with a family from Tokyo. I think they swapped for 2 weeks. They both said they would do it again.

06-12-2005, 08:10 PM
I'd do it, what a neat idea! :)

06-12-2005, 08:17 PM
I am a private person, but not with things I own. Just my thoughts and who I am, and things like that. So yes, I'd defintely do it! Sounds neat.

06-12-2005, 08:56 PM
I too think it is a cool, idea, part of me would love to do it, but the other part wouldn't because I value my privacy too much, but yes maybe a PT one might evolve from this thread, now wouldn't that be awesome.

06-12-2005, 09:40 PM

I'm not that private a person, but I would have to spend a year just CLEANING!

Well, maybe not.... but lets put it this way - my house is 45 yrs old and has, what realtors kindly call 'defferred maintenance' issues. I have done all the 'important' work, like new roofing, plumbing, electrical, new furnace and A/C over the past 6 yrs or so - but ... it's no 'vacation spot'.

the carpet was shot when i bought the house in 1994, I ripped it ALL out exposing 'cheap' hardwood floors - that are great for dogs & kids wear, but anyone else would want re-finished ( I'm not sure they're worth the trouble) or carpeted. The carpet in my 'computer room' is the only original left, and it's matted, smelly, and flat (this was where the previous owner kept their elderly dog and cat - But I have so much equipment on top, I can't take the carpet out without moving EVERYTHING out of the room!) There's alot of 'cosmetic' stuff that still needs to be done, panelling removed, walls fixed, curtains, etc and I just can't afford it all.

The one thing that WOULD make my home appealing to a vacationer, is that i would allow someone ELSE to bring their pets along. As my house is pretty 'pet-proof' , I'm not really worried about pet damage. Which is why I often volunteer to pet-sit for friends - as long as their pets get along with mine. However, I'd be willing to bet those that 'exchanged' houses on the show, did NOT have pets that stayed with the house.... I sure would NOT leave my precious babies with a stranger!

I did grow up with a neighbor once that was on such a program - but for a couple YEARS - not just for vacation -

Our neighbor was a teacher, and went to teach in South Africa for two years. They had two boys and a girl, when they left (the yoounger boy and I shared birthdates) - their youngest daughter was born in South Africa. They packed up all their 'personal' belongings (clothes, china, books, mementoes, knick knacks, pictures, toys) Some they took with them, other stuff was put in storage. They left only basic things like appliances and furniture. They signed up with a home exchange program that provided a house for them in South Africa.

A family from Sweden moved in, they had a daughter my age, who became a good friend. Her Dad was brought over to the US to train people for his company. They had put their home in Sweden into the same 'exchange' program. After our original neighbors came back to their house, the swedish family rented an apt and then bought a home in our neighborhood - they had decided to stay and became US citizens.

Both families ended up as friends!

Cool idea, but I don't know if I could do that, either!


06-12-2005, 11:09 PM
Actually they did include pets, there was one swap that had three dogs, and another with a cat and two ferrets, it turned out well though, they were very well taken care of, but yes I would not trust a stranger either unless they were from PT, see this could work rather well if people who wanted to do it, swapped houses on PT, looked after each other's pets and had a relatively cheap holiday., I am not game, but there are other's who seem to quite like the idea.:)

06-13-2005, 01:57 AM
I don't think I would trust a stranger with my house/belongings, and I value my privacy...:o...so nope...I wouldn't do it.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-13-2005, 04:57 AM
I would do it ONLY with people I know and trust. So, PT-ers are welcome !!!:)

06-13-2005, 07:45 AM
I wouldn't mind to do it but not with my furkids staying here...no way, if I go...so do they!!!

06-13-2005, 10:33 AM
I think I would. Of course I would make sure that the others have furkids as well. So I would have them as a hostage:D

There is a website- if you read it you get the impression it would be a great idea.


Hey Carole I always wanted to go to NZ ;)

06-13-2005, 11:16 AM

I have a hard time letting my own parents in my room. I have nothing to hide.. it's just some place I like to keep to myself.

That and there's no way I could trust ANYONE else with my dogs. PT'er or not... an hour or so, fine. But not for long.

I tried thinking about WHO I could leave my dogs with... I just have this thing that no one could care for them like I do. I mean, I know their quirks, what they like, thier favorite spots to be pet, their favorite words.. everything about them. There's no way someone could know how to care for them specifically like I do. It's just a weird thing of mine. ;)

I barely wanted to leave Simba and Nala with my parents!

06-13-2005, 12:44 PM
It's not an option for us--too many critters, but I have family who do it all the time. My cousin live in Austrailia. Her parents go over every 18 months or so for several months at a time. They live in Vancouver. They just swap houses with someone over there--different house everytime. They belong to a group that organizes it and screens the members. They get to see their daughter and their grandkids and they don't drive each other nuts by having to live in cramped quarters for months!

Killearn Kitties
06-13-2005, 01:05 PM
I think it's a great idea and yes, I probably would do it. My concern would be the cats.

06-13-2005, 03:06 PM
Only a PTEr and I'd make sure anything truly personal was locked up or stored elsewhere so it wasn't broken/stolen/lost/spied. I'd also spend a million hours cleaning.

06-13-2005, 07:30 PM
I figured that would be the worst part making sure everything is super clean, there is no way I would let people in my home unless it was perfect, and I don't live that way all the time, lets face it, there is a bit of dust gathering here and there in my house,nope not for me really, my house is my castle as the saying goes, and is my private place for me and my family only,but it could work well for some, especially PT member's who already know each other and trust each other with their animals.

06-13-2005, 07:33 PM
Like someone else said, I would be cleaning for a year before anyone could even come stay here. And my animals would come with me. I wouldn't mind if they brought their own, though. I think it's a neat idea but I honestly don't know if I could do it or not.