View Full Version : Chester

02-07-2002, 09:15 AM
Chester, what a special boy you are, so dedicated and loving to your former owner and now wonderfully bonded to your new special person. Your coloring is just beautiful and I love how you get to go with your person in a backpack, what a great life.
You let that person know you are glad they are home by screeching, I would love to hear that. I do think that you have a wonderful personality and wouldn't hurt a fly, well maybe.
Now you get to be free to be out of your cage and explore the world. Congratulations dear Chester, our sweetest, most friendly, most handsome, wonderful Very Best Pet of the Day.:)

02-07-2002, 01:01 PM
WoW!!!! YOU are COLORFUL !!!! Congratulations on being POTD!!!:D

02-07-2002, 02:59 PM
Congrats Chester! I love your story and am so glad you have ended up in a loving home. How exciting that you get to travel around in a backpack! You're a beautiful boy and most deserving of the Pet of the Day title!

02-07-2002, 03:57 PM
Dear Chester. It is so wonderful to read your special story, and to know that a boy so sweet, loving and incredibly beautiful will, forever and ever, be in the loving home, and arms of such devoted proud guardians! Congratulations to you Chester, our most gorgeous, loving and deserving Pet of the Day!!

02-07-2002, 07:49 PM

You are a most interesting and Beautiful Bird !!!

You have been blessed to go from one Special friend
into the care of another who appreciates you for the
Beautiful , Special, and Intelligent creature that you are.

Congratulations Chester on being honored today as
our PET OF THE DAY !!!