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02-06-2002, 02:30 PM
Hmmm well I warned you but if you have a stomic problem turn back now becase im about to tell you the horrible story of my former pet gold fish.....bubbles!!!!

It was a quiet sunday eveing and I was just siting down watch some TV when crash and strangely enough splash :confused:
I ran upstairs half way up I met my cat who bolted past me down the steps I got to my bedroom door (not prepared for what I was about to see) AHHHHHHHH:eek: :eek: water all over the floor and little peices of glass were a fish bowl once was. I quickly grabed the biggest chunk of the bowl hopeing bubbles whould still be in side but he wasent I put that chunk on the night stand and searched the floor for bubbles but he wasent there. Now I figgured topaz ate him and gave up looking:( I ran down staris and got some napkins and brought them up as I set them on the night stand and as I looked down underneth that chunk of glass I put on there so carelessly to my horrer I saw bubbles mangled body missing one eye smoushed on the glass:eek: :eek: :eek: I screamed so loud I think I woke up a neighbor or two! Euuuu its still disgusting to think of it now. As for topaz:mad: well he wasent feed that night and was not given a kitty treat for one week. Ok so I was a little leanlint but its hard to stay mad at him:rolleyes:. Ok so maybe this thread could be PG13 but that picture of bubbles will stay in my head forever:(

02-06-2002, 04:12 PM
umm the leason is carefull were you put large chunks of glass

02-07-2002, 05:38 AM
Sorry folks - what's an 'R' rating? Does it mean Revolting?

Being a Brit., I read that without realizing how horrid it was gonna be. Poor fishy:(


... 'R' means parents should be strongly cautioned before taking anyone under 18 to the movie - in the example of this story the violence...

American films have had a voluntary rating system since the late 1960's. It is described http://www.filmratings.com/guide.htm (here.) . Note: NC-17 is designated for the former 'X' rating. This is not official, but 'XXX' indicates hard-core porn.

...back to the fish story, I tried a goldfish bowl about four years ago. Spencer & Xena were interested, but I killed them out of sheer ignorance before they ever got a chance. I made every mistake in the book :(.

02-07-2002, 06:43 AM
Poor Bubbles and for Topaz - he was doing what comes naturally. And the morale of the story is..........................

02-07-2002, 07:01 AM
Having both cats and fish I can sympathize with your loss and the guilt you must have over the whole thing. Unfortunately you have learned a lesson the hard way. :( Please do not blame kitty for what he did. He was only being a cat. Maybe at some future date you may have more fish and I am sure you will be more careful next time, making sure that your fish is well out of the way of kitty's reach. We have two very large tanks and thankfully they have glass tops and no one can get to the fish. Actually my cats just like to watch them through the front glass and no one is in danger.

02-07-2002, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by purrley
Poor Bubbles and for Topaz - he was doing what comes naturally. And the morale of the story is..........................

The moral is

When selecting pets, as a rule it is best not to select a pet that can be considered an entree to another pet.

02-07-2002, 08:34 AM
Tuxluvr - EXACTLY!!!!;)

02-07-2002, 02:31 PM
Dont worry topaz wasent punnished much it was more my fault he had tried to get bubbles once before but I caught him. I should have moved his bowl after that.... As for a moral I dident think it needed one I was simply sharing an experince I had not all stories have morals :)

02-07-2002, 02:39 PM
Just teasing Topaz - still feel really bad about the fish. I also have a Betta (Gillis) that sits on top of my coffee table. The fish is in a vase with a Lily it, however the cats are more interested in the Lily than the fish, but now after what happened to you, I think its time to move it.

02-07-2002, 07:53 PM
Topaz, here is a picture of my Andy watching the fish in the tank. :)

02-07-2002, 08:17 PM
Thats a really cute picture pam thank God my tank wasent that big:)

02-07-2002, 09:25 PM
Wow Pam! I LOVE that pic. Its really neat that you can see his reflection!

02-07-2002, 09:39 PM
I LOVE that photo. So cute!