View Full Version : cornflakes

02-03-2002, 11:15 PM
is it ok if i were to give zoey some cornflakes as a snack? :confused:

02-03-2002, 11:38 PM
I'm pretty sure corn flakes are okay in moderation. Don't give too much, just a little bit. And I wouldn't give her any milk with it :)

02-04-2002, 09:29 AM
I'm a firm believer that people food is no good for doggies - I think it teaches them to beg so I don't give my puppy anything that people eat. Besides her diet is working out so well I don't want to "rock the boat":)

02-04-2002, 11:14 AM
I use bits of string cheese, hot dogs and cheerios along with the doggie treats while I'm training my dogs. I use about 5 different things and have an order of value for each dog. When teaching new tricks, I use higher value treats. I also will give them peanut butter every so often in their kongs. They don't get any of this very much and they never beg.

Dixieland Dancer
02-04-2002, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by evelyn1157
is it ok if i were to give zoey some cornflakes as a snack? :confused:

I would not use Corn Flakes as a snack. They are made of ground corn which is a common cause of food allergies in canines. Use things like cheese, carrots, apples, etc... They are more healthy for the pet anyway.

02-04-2002, 11:55 AM
I heard somwhere that plain cheerios was a great low fat snack for a dog.

I don't like giving Kia people food either, but because Kia may be allergic to beef or chicken, I'm always on the lookout for all natural treats... like carrots, apples, peanut butter, ect.

02-04-2002, 11:00 PM
Hahahahahhaha - DOH! For my job, I sit there and lecture people on the importance of food and not to feed corn based low quality dog foods. It completely escaped my mind that CORNFLAKES are CORN.

Somebody kick me :)

02-05-2002, 10:47 PM
i didn't know that corn is bad for dogs. think i'll juz stick to fresh vegetables and fruits.she loves carrots and apples :D