View Full Version : Jumper acts up

02-03-2002, 02:32 PM
As I began to leave for an early breakfeast this morning, Jumper (my Abyssinian kitten) began to meow and cry alot, rubbing agains my legs and then He wouldn't let me out of his sight. I believe he didn't want me to leave him. Well, I was determined to eat breakfeast, but as I got into my truck, Jumper ran into the neighbor's field and was watching me from a distance. He knows that I worrry about him being over there because if a loose dog shows up, he has no where to run and hide. Anyway, I got into my truck and sure enough, the battery was dead. So Jumper got his way!!! Question: is this common behavior for an Aby? Because if it is, I'll have to lock him inside whenever I go someplace. Of course he got his usual huggies and scratchies after calling him to me (which he immediatlely responds), and then seeing I wasn't going anywhere, he began to lope around and play again. I just as well might have a dog instead of an Aby for a pet!!!:D

02-03-2002, 02:39 PM
maybe - just maybe - Jumper knew you had a flat battery :eek: :eek:
What a clever furkid eh :) :)


02-03-2002, 02:49 PM
Lynn, that thought crossed my mind also. But how could he know of mechanical (electrical) failures?:confused: Maybe, I have the first mechanic-cat on the internet?


02-03-2002, 02:57 PM
doodoodoodoodoo*theme from Twilight Zone*--

He's a CAT!;)

02-03-2002, 10:16 PM
Well I personally think that you should not leave your cat outside unsupervised at all since cats are easily scared and dont have the best cence of direction and the fact that dogs are running around dosent sound good at all:(

02-04-2002, 09:06 PM
I had to make a trip to the bank this morning, and Jumper did the same acting up. Only this time I shut their cat door and the front door, to keep all of my furkids inside while I was away. Upon returning Jumper was laying beside my part of the bed (where I sleep next to my furballs) I suppose, anticipating my return. Again, I'm a bit perplexed over this odd behavior, that has recently been noticed.


02-05-2002, 04:31 AM
It's not one bit odd Wayne - he's just totally in love with you and looking after you too - isn't he the cleverest furkid?:D :D

Or does he know something we don't???????;)


02-05-2002, 12:19 PM
I agree - not at all unusual - your furkid loves ya lots and lots - don't let that furkid out - like someone else here said "better to be indoors and fat than outdoors and flat";)

02-06-2002, 07:43 PM
Lynne and Purrley, I took your advice today and kept some of my most vulnerable furkids inside , to see how they like it. Those who will be kept inside are: Snow Cat, Snow Tiger, Jumper, Fawn, Orphan, Bluzette, Mackerella, and Cookie Cat. These constitute an acceptance to being inside all the time. The others want outside during the day, and it is difficult to restrain them especially when I go in and out the front door.

It is better understood the term " furkids" because those that stay inside act more like little "4-legged children" than those that want to go outside. And the house is in a bigger mess, but what else is new?:D

02-07-2002, 05:04 AM
Oh Wayne - I didn't want to confuse you - mine are all outdoor/indoor cats too - and trying to keep them indoors when they want OUT is more than my life's worth!!! They keep up none stop SHOUTING - so out they go. I really think that more people in England let their cats out than do in America perhaps some of the other Brits can bear this out for me? But I still think Jumper has a stronger 'feel' for you than perhaps the others do. I think it's wonderful.:D

02-07-2002, 05:46 AM
Lynne; we have had a rash of loose dogs on our ranch property within the last week. I do not know where they are coming from, nor who ownes them. Since I live in a very rural area, it wouldn't surprise me if many of them are "dumped" by their owners or neighbors who got tired of putting up with them. These are not small dogs either. Snow Cat and Snow Tiger both ran under the storage house when they saw two large dogs on the loose Monday. Snow Tiger was terrified at seeing them, although they did not attack my furkids. What was amazing is that their house entrance was about 2 feet away from where they were laying. But instead chose to run 50 ft. and hide under the storage house. This is one of the reasons I'm attempting to keep them inside for a while.
