View Full Version : I just met Bono and The Edge from U2!!!

05-26-2005, 04:51 PM
I can't believe it! I waited 2 hours in the rain with about 30 other people but it was so worth it because Bono and the Edge stopped for us on their way into the Fleet Center for their soundcheck before the concert tonight.:D

Edge got out and signed autographs for us.
Here is a photo of him signing my membership card.
(I am on the right wearing the blue hoodie.)

Bono drove in a few minutes later, he didn't get out but he did sign a few autographs and I got some photos of him.

I am so happy and so excited!:D
It is a dream come true.
I will be leaving for the concert tonight in a little while.
The concert on Tuesday was great but tonight's concert will be even better because I actually got to meet them today!:D

05-26-2005, 05:24 PM
Looks like a great time! Now will you ever wash that hands again (ala Marcia Brady?):D :D

05-26-2005, 05:53 PM
OMG! You lucky gal! *jealous* That is so so SO neat! :D

Do you have more pics of Bono?? *drools*


05-26-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Do you have more pics of Bono?? *drools* :D Ditto from me! Lucky you! I'm SO jealuos!

05-26-2005, 07:54 PM
Amy will flip out! She loves U2! :) Congrats on meeting them! Isn't it a thrill?!

05-26-2005, 08:52 PM
It's official - I *hate* you :D

I am so happy for you .................... I can only imagine how wrapped you were!!!!!!!
What's a little rain anyway......???

Fill us in on the 2nd concert too!!!!!

05-26-2005, 09:14 PM
So exciting!!!

05-27-2005, 06:13 AM
Oh, Wow, Awesome!!!!
How wonderful ....... I have goosepimples and tears in my eyes, not of sorrow just so happy and excited for you!!! :D :D :D :D Can't wait for more pictures and the review! :D


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-27-2005, 09:05 AM
I just met Bono and The Edge from U2!!!

NO way!!! How very, very cool!!! :cool:

So, how was the concert?

05-27-2005, 09:07 AM
Just talked to Vermontcat, we're meeting up for lunch. But her ears are still kinda ringing, so that must mean the concert was great, right? :)

05-27-2005, 09:14 AM
I love U2, my husband really loves them. I showed him these pictures he about died, talk about green with envy.;) The pictures are so good. We are so jealous of you here in Colo.:p

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-27-2005, 09:51 AM
OMG, Bono and U2 are the best !!!! Lucky you!!!

Killearn Kitties
05-27-2005, 10:43 AM
:D :D I'm very happy for you. Did You tell them you were going to see them twice?

05-28-2005, 02:01 PM
Thanks everyone.:D
I have lots more photos including some of both concerts.
I hope to have time to post them later this weekend.
The concerts were amazing especially the one on Thursday, it was a great setlist.
I also met Mayor Karen for lunch yesterday and I got to hug SunKissedGoldens adorable puppies when I stopped by her house yesterday on the way home.:D

Wolf Q (Amy) where are you? I know you are going to love these photos!:)

05-28-2005, 03:32 PM
Vermontcat, I'm so sorry to have missed you!!! :( The timing just didn't work out because I was depending on Mark for transportation home.

We'll have to get together some other day, though!! :)

05-30-2005, 01:09 PM
Anna, I'm sorry we missed you too. At least we got to talk on the phone.
We were late meeting Karen, then after a long chatty lunch with her we realized that we forgot our new camera battery and charger in the hotel and had to drive back across Boston in the traffic to get it before heading up to NH.
Traffic was bad all the way up to Concord so we were pretty late getting to Kara's to see the puppies.
It was so nice to meet her and those puppies are so adorable and snuggly and lovable.
Karen and Kara it was nice to meet both of you.
I hope to post some puppy photos in a new thread soon, I still have to take those photos off the camera.
I also have more photos of U2 to post later.

05-30-2005, 04:36 PM
Wow!! :eek:

That is sooooo cool!!

Lucky you!!

05-31-2005, 09:49 AM
Wou! I almost didn´t believe my eyes!:D You´re sooooooooooooo lucky!:)

05-31-2005, 11:55 AM
OMG lucky you!! Those pics are great, wish I could have been there, I would just die if I met anyone from U2..especially Bono. ;) You have to post the rest of the pics!!

05-31-2005, 01:06 PM
Inna and Wolf Q! Finally, there you are!
You both have to try to meet them before the soundcheck, it is the best way to do it, it's just amazing seeing them face to face!:D
Amy, how did City of Blinding Lights sound to you from my cell phone at the concert last Tuesday?
I couldn't even tell if you picked up the phone because it was so noisy at my end but I really hope that you got to hear it.

Here are some more photos of Edge, I still have to look through the Bono photos and the ones from both concerts too.





I posted these at Zootopia already and a short video too.
Go look over there for the video link, if you can't find it I will try to post it later.
The blonde on the phone was calling her brother who had been waiting with us, he was across the street at the hotel because he had to go to the bathroom. He got to say hello to Edge on the phone from his bathroom! He ran back over in time to meet Bono when he arrived.:D

05-31-2005, 01:15 PM
Yay, thanks for more pics! :D I heard parts of City of Blinding Lights, it kept cutting out though. I did get to hear a good part of the chorus though. :D Did you try to call the next night? I was trying to keep the phone free then my friend from work called all upset so I ended up on the phone all night, ack. :o Did you get anything signed? Thanks for your pm about the soundchecks, I'm definitely going to try to meet them this December. Any more tips? ;)

05-31-2005, 10:09 PM
Amy, I was afraid the phone connection wasn't going to be too good because my seats that night were behind the soundboard area and it tends to cause interference.
Advice for meeting them before soundcheck, get there by 3 PM, they usually show up by 5 at the latest. Get a local U2 fan to help you find your way around, we got lucky and this guy showed us where to wait, even though it was a construction area it was the place to be!
Have a sharpie and a backup one ready too, have a couple of things ready to sign, bring a camera or two.
I did get Edge to sign my membership card, Bono showed up less than 2 minutes after Edge left and the letter from U2.com that I had wanted Bono to sign had gotten totally soggy because of the rain. I didn't think fast enough to find something else for him to sign so I just took some photos of him through the car window. (I should have used my map of Boston but missed my chance to get his autograph.)
Here are a couple more photos of Bono, everyone crowded around his car, he only signed a few things before driving up the ramp.
I'm in blue on the bottom right, my husband took these photos, it's hard to see Bono from where he was. I took more photos up close with my disposable camera. I need to get those photos printed this week.

Amy I did try to call you Thursday after I met them but got an answering machine so I didn't leave a message. It was about 5:30 eastern time.