View Full Version : Dazzling Dakotah!

05-23-2005, 09:10 AM
WHAT a gorgeous birdie! WHAT beautiful colours. I have seen many different kinds of parrots here in Oz but none with such unusual and subtle colouring as you, Dakotah dear. Your tail is exquisite, a colour I'm particularly fond of wearing myself, sort of plum coloured. How clever of you to land in that tree with the background which reflects your own colours so well. WHAT a clever birdie. Enjoy your special POTD day today with lots of treats and fun with your feathered friends, and plenty to say - WHAT?:)

05-23-2005, 09:17 AM

You are such a pretty bird :) Congrats on POTD! :) Hugs and kisses to you, sweetie! :)

05-23-2005, 10:24 AM
Hi Dakotah! Congrats to you! Enjoy your special day today! :D

05-23-2005, 11:43 AM
What a beauty you are!
It was such a treat to see your wonderful picture today.
I bet you will be talking up a storm before too long.
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day!:D

05-23-2005, 01:51 PM
What a gorgeous birdie you are indeed! I love your colors, cute eyes and amazing tail feathers! Congrats to Dear Dakotah!!! :) :D :)

05-23-2005, 02:33 PM
Yes, I too have met many parrots here on Pet Talk, but none more handsome than you, dazzling Dakotah!!!:) Oh, what a spectacular tail you have and your coloring is simply stunning! I'm sorry to hear about your nest accident, Dakotah. But it doesn't sound as though a splayed leg, or anything else for that matter, can keep a spirited boy like you from enjoying life to it's fullest! And oh, how very loved and adored you are by your devoted humans!:) I'd love to see a picture of you wrapped up in your blankie, little head peaking out!:D For sure many, many happy, love filled years await you all!:) I hope that you and your feathered sib Pakito, your proud Mom and Dad all of your adoring friends and fans enjoy a very happy day celebrating your "top pet" honors! And tell mom not to forget the berry seed bars:D Love and gentle cuddles to our stunning, smart, sweet as can be, most deserving Pet of the Day, Dakotah!!:)

05-23-2005, 04:20 PM
My, what a VERY handsome boy you are Dakotah! What an incredibly sweet nature you have, and without a doubt you are, in your human's words, "extra special!" :) Sounds like you are well on your way to learning how to talk. "What" is a great word to start with, and I bet by now you have more words down. Of course, you didn't have to learn how to steal hearts, that came naturally! :) You would not let a physical handicap slow you down or affect your cheerful outlook on life, setting a wonderful example for human and animal alike. Dakotah, I hope you have SUPER day with lots of extra cuddles and attention, and perhaps some yummy treats to celebrate. Congratulations on being our very remarkable and loveable Pet of the Day!

05-23-2005, 06:43 PM
beautiful birdie!!!

congrats on being pet of the day :D.
you definately diserve it little guy :D.