View Full Version : help needed...

05-18-2005, 04:56 PM
ok IF I can get out to the kelowna PT meeting I will be feeding the girls EVO during our stay. here is the dilemma..Happy is 25lbs, BUT she is the size of a 40lbs dog, sooo do I feed her the amount for a 25lbs dog or the amount for a 40lbs dog? :o:confused:

05-18-2005, 04:58 PM
How much does it say to feed the 40lbs and the 25lbs? I know Tango weighs about 38lbs and I give her a cup of food in the morning and evening (she usually only eats half of it though.). lol I couldn't imagine Happy eating much less than that for some reason...

05-18-2005, 05:08 PM
someone else would have to answer that one lol EVO is not sold in my provance, if I can make it someone else is picking some up for me. I feed raw but I dont measure out the food I just look at it and say "this looks like enugh for Happy" kind of thing, I judge bones by the size and the amount of meat on it, for breakys I just fill the dishes, Ripley and perky get the least, Misty gets the most and Happy and Blair generally get a teeny bit less then Misty, but Misty only gets more but she is active all the time, wear as Happy is only active outside and is calm in the house, like when Misty is in season she does not get out much so she gets about the same amount or a little less then Happy and Blair does... with Raw its basicly based on energy level and their current weight, but with kibble I dont have a clue wear to start lol and Happys weight vs her size puzzle me! oh and Tango is only 17 1/2" correct? Happy is 21" tall, most dogs her size are 40lbs, but she is only 25lbs, i am so confused lol

05-18-2005, 05:20 PM
I would go by the weight she is, but I would decrease the amount of food it says to feed. Timber is in the 70 pound range and they want her to have 4 cups a day, and she gets two cups.

05-18-2005, 06:30 PM
The thing with EVO is that it's like 42% protein or somehting, I could run upstairs and check the bag but I'm being lazy. So Happy might not need as much of it as you might think. I only feed EVO to the little boys so I can't give you any idea about what to feed a dog Happy's size at least with that food. I know Winter is very close to Happy's size both in height and weight and she gets about 3/4 of a cup to a cup of food a day.

05-18-2005, 06:32 PM
Happy is light boned though right? I mean 25 pounds is right for her body type, she is not underweight right?
In that case I would feed for a 25 pound dog.

The shelties get Evo. Em is a porky 28 pounds right now (she should be 25) and she is getting 3/4 cup per day. Clipse is approx 28 pounds as well and he gets 1 cup per day.

In all honesty...I wouldn't worry too much about it...I mean how many days are they going to be on kibble for?

05-18-2005, 08:14 PM
thanks guys, I just needed a general idea as I always keep the girls very slim and trim, like the second they feel the teeniest bit porky they are on a diet lol I do not tolerate fat dogs :p

05-18-2005, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by cali
thanks guys, I just needed a general idea as I always keep the girls very slim and trim, like the second they feel the teeniest bit porky they are on a diet lol I do not tolerate fat dogs :p

I'm with you on the fat dogs.....I was away for 3 weeks petsitting....that's why Em is porky right now...she was at home with my parents and not getting the exercise she normally does... so now she's on a bit of a diet until she drops those 3 pounds.

05-19-2005, 10:02 AM
I would feed her slightly less than what it says to feed her for her weight.