View Full Version : Jasper

01-28-2002, 07:26 PM
slleipnir, you're right. Today, my friend went to other vet and they confirmed that Jasper has Hip Displasia, and they said that it is in a very serious stage. And that there is a little chance for cure. Is there no cure for this??? They say that if it does not get better, Jasper has to be euthanized. What a sad thing. My friend is devastated and I don't know how to help her. Is there no cure??? :confused:

Thank you for your concern. :(

01-28-2002, 07:29 PM
I think it is ver common in labs. My neighbors dog had it. He had to have surgry, but he was fine :] I don't know about seriousness of it, but if it's anything liek my neighbors, then the dog should be fine :] I hope everything goes well..lets us know

01-28-2002, 07:30 PM
I think what it is, is when the (correct me if i'm wrong?) were the leg bone joins witht he hip is out of place or something..It shouldn't be to hard to fix with surgry..?

01-28-2002, 08:33 PM
slleipnir, i think your right about CHD. I just hope and pray that Jasper's case will be like your neighbor's case. Please include Jasper in your prayers. Thanks.

01-29-2002, 05:04 AM
Jasper will be in all of our prayers..I hope everything goes well

01-29-2002, 07:40 AM
How old is Jasper? My next door neighbor had a dog named Trooper, she was a lab and was aout 14. She had hip displaysia. She got so bad (to the point were she would just lay there if she had to pee, and pee instead of getting up) Now she is livving a wonderful life as a puppy at the rainow bridge... i truely miss her because she was my neighbors, and one of the dogs that i first ever met. Now her puppy, Terra(12-13 i think), has hip displaysia... shes getting bad but not as bad as Trooper was. Tehy were both hunting dogs. Im not cryin because i miss Terra :(

01-29-2002, 08:38 AM
Our neighbors Malamute, Tara, had hip dysplacia. Not sure what stage it was. She just moved slow from time to time like a dog with arthritis.

Candy took Tara to many different vets for different treatments. The she found out that Michigan State University was conducting a new experimental way to treat hip dysplacia.... with acupuncture I think.... and Tara got in to be one of the test subjects.

She took the treatment extremely well and lived to be 17 or 18, I think.

01-29-2002, 08:46 AM
oh how I wish that Jasper and my friend is staying there so that he could get the proper treatment. Jasper's only 5-6 years old. And we found out today that aside from hip dysplasia, his liver and white blood cell's level is also kinda high--what's the cause of these?????????? :confused: :( :( :(

01-29-2002, 09:33 AM
I wish I knew ellensy. :( :( :(

01-29-2002, 12:50 PM
An infection could be causing the high white cell count and liver enzymes to be elevated; the liver in part is a "filter" for impurities and breaks them down. My girl Cody was also diagnosed with hip dysplasi when she was young. This often causes premature arthritis and degeneration of the joint. But, there are many treatments for this, and I have never heard of a young dog with hip dysplasia being put to sleep for it without a course of treatment. I wish you could get Jasper to a larger veterinary facility or teaching hospital!! It doesn't sound like it's time to give up on him!!

01-29-2002, 01:32 PM
Yeah, that sounds right :D high white bc's usually mean the body is fighting off infection..i'm sure your friends dog will pull out of it ok with some good care from the vets and lots of TLC :]

01-29-2002, 08:07 PM
Grrrr.....I just hope that this last vet that we went to will be able to help Jasper. My friend is crying her heart out! If only i cud go and study veterinary and go treat Jasper!!!(my mum doesn't want me to!)
I'll be going to visit Jasper later after my classes. Hope he's doing fine.

Thanks for all your care--Jasper heard them!

01-29-2002, 09:00 PM
I don't know anything about it but I did see a program called emergancy vets and they had a golden retriever I belive with hip Displasia and they did sergury and they dog was fine ????

Don't know if that helps but hey thought I'd tell ya anyway ...lol.. :D

01-30-2002, 08:01 AM
UPDATE: Jasper is showing some progress! What a relief. Though his hind legs was paralyzed. He's so happy to see us, but its quite different w/o him able to jump up and give us his kisses. Anyways, we're still so happy :) that he's showing progress. He has been a good boy at the vet, everybody said so.

Jasper thank you all for all your love and care for him.

I wud just lyk to ask....if Jasper's hind legs were paralyzed...does that mean that he won't be able to walk ever again? can therapy heal his legs?