View Full Version : What are you doing for Mother's Day??

05-07-2005, 07:58 PM
I LOVE Mother's Day...even though I show my mom how greatful I am for her each day, Mother's Day is nice to be able to spoil her a little bit more. :)

Last weekend, she was getting a bag down to send me home with leftovers and her favorite plastic pitcher fell down and the lid broke. I know it wasn't my fault, but I felt bad.

So, I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and got her this really neat green one with four matching glasses.

Then, remember that thread Gini started about the Maya Angelou cook book? Well, we both have it. I went to Hallmark and got her Maya Angelou's "recipe keepsake" book. You write down the recipe and tell the story of it. I think she'll really like it. My grandma (her mother) was a caterer, so we have lots of special meals she can record.

My brother, his girlfriend and my step-dad are all taking her on a picnic. Last night I went and bought lots of her favorite foods and I'm baking raspberry bars for dessert....and, can't forget her favorite: Dove Dark Chocolate too!

I'm excited to show her how much we love and appreciate her.

What is everyone else doing for their moms??

05-07-2005, 08:06 PM
I was just thinking about what everyone was getting their Moms!! :D your Mom is really lucky, it sounds like she's going to have a lot of fun. . a picnic is a really good idea!

I just helped my Mom do tons of flower-planting in her garden last weekend, and we got a new bird-feeder (thinking no birds would even find it) and the next day all of the birdseed was gone :eek:. . so, now that there are hundreds of finches in her garden I got her a really cute birdbath from Target, its stone and has Ivy vines on it and it only cost $40!! And I also got a stone sleeping puppy sculpture to put out there, and some stained glass butterflies to stick into the flowers :)

Oh, and also See's Candy! I got a box for my Grandma too :D! we're going to brunch at a cafe tomorrow. .

05-07-2005, 08:15 PM
Aww!! What nice gifts!!

Brunch sounds great!!! Enjoy!! :)

05-07-2005, 08:38 PM
On mother's Day,

We are all going to my youngest sister's house.
We all bring food, so their is plenty of different food
to eat.
I bougth my Aunt (A. mother) a 5' Windmill and put it together
for her. I bought one for myself too.
I couldn't wait to give it to her and now they
are both standing in our backyards.

I am also going to vist my "b. mother"
at the cemetary.

05-07-2005, 08:51 PM
Knowing my mom, probably nothing. And since my parents aren't together, we probably won't go out to brunch anymore either.

Oh well...

05-07-2005, 10:13 PM
My Mother, God bless her, doesn't need anything except a good bottle of wine. LOL

Tomorrow we are going for brunch with my Brother and his wife, then we are going back to Mom's to work in her garden. We've got lots of plants and flowers to plant. At 81, she loves her garden, but finds gardening difficult now.

Instead of a Mother's Day card, I've written her a letter. No need to go into details about it.....let me just say that she will probably cry when she reads it.

Tomorrow, my youngest neice turns 23 so it will be a double celebration.

I'd also like to add some prayers to those who's Mom has passed on or those who never knew their Mom. Don't let this day make you sad. {{{hugs}}}

05-07-2005, 10:47 PM
I will be going to visit my mom and taking her some geraniums that I bought for her. Then my sister and I will be taking her out for dinner. Also, next Saturday my mother and I will be going to a mother-daughter banquet at my church.

I've never really cared for mother's day. Its always been about doing something for my mom or Alden's mom and I have always felt that people forget that I am a mother also. Most importantly my son forgets:rolleyes: . Ok, that is my whine for the night!

05-07-2005, 11:35 PM
I find it really hard to find my mother a gift, she has everything she wants and has specific tastes a bit beyond my means, but she really does not expect anything from me, this year I made up a gift basket with her favourite sweets and a gift pack of oil of olay.

As for me , well I had Breakfast out at our local Restaurant Valentines, which was really my husbands Birthday gift from the children, it was his birthday the day before, so I went along for the ride, oh and the yummy food, although it was not up to its usual standard, so a bit disappointing.

It was packed out and we had to queue for our food, guess lots of mum's were being taken out, one mother it seemed could not even be bothered getting out of her PJ bottoms, was shocked they even let her in like that, they have a certain standard of dress there, guess that has gone out the window lol.

I am having my day next sunday, due to extra expenses this weekend, Melissa is taking me to the movies and I am sure it will be a day of spoiling knowing my girl.

My son did suprise me, he had bought me an Eagles CD, The Long Run, he knows I am a fan,so I was chuffed about that.

Hope you all had a great day, and enjoyed being with your mother's.


05-08-2005, 12:39 AM
Wow. :( Reading this thread makes me miss my Mom alot. You guys are SO lucky, or should I say, your Moms are so lucky!! :p

I'm working today from 2-9 pm. Hopefully it'll be busy.

I'm sure your Moms will be thrilled at their surpizes. I hope they have a wonderful day!! ;)

05-08-2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Wow. :( Reading this thread makes me miss my Mom alot. You guys are SO lucky, or should I say, your Moms are so lucky!! :p

I'm working today from 2-9 pm. Hopefully it'll be busy.

I'm sure your Moms will be thrilled at their surpizes. I hope they have a wonderful day!! ;)

I'm working too. We can celebrate Mother's Day together, Donna! You and I... lmao. :)

05-08-2005, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Wow. :( Reading this thread makes me miss my Mom alot. You guys are SO lucky, or should I say, your Moms are so lucky!! :p

I'm working today from 2-9 pm. Hopefully it'll be busy.

I'm sure your Moms will be thrilled at their surpizes. I hope they have a wonderful day!! ;)
I'm sorry to make you sad, Donna. :( ((((hugs))))

I know your mom is looking down from her cloud...proud and missing you as well.

Love & hugs,

05-08-2005, 07:15 AM
We had planned to go have Ralph's parents over for dinner last nght, and to go go out to lunch with my gransparents, parents, aunts and uncles for lunch...

But...Ralph's parent's plans changed, so we are taking them dessert tonight.

My granmothers is not feeling well (she has shingles :( ), so the family lunch is cancelled. Instead my parents are coming here for lunch, and I am grilling a marinated turkey breast (not sure what else is onthe menu yet!)

We did get a gift for Ralph's mom, my mom and granmother, but i don't want to spoil it here!

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-08-2005, 08:22 AM
This is what I did for my mom:

My hubby's parents died many years ago, so no celebration there:(

As for MY Mother's Day: I got a present from my kids (a candle holder, really fancy) and cute little wooden table for the patio; we also went to a restaurant together for having lunch. It was soooo yummie!:p :p

05-08-2005, 08:40 AM
Going to visit my mom, of course! My MIL passed away years ago. :( Taking flowers and homemade chocolate chip cookies along! ;)

05-08-2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Wow. :( Reading this thread makes me miss my Mom alot. You guys are SO lucky, or should I say, your Moms are so lucky!! :p

Yes, me too Donna. I have been thinking about her alot this week. But, having grandchildren and one family in town makes it better!

In awhile, hubby and I will go over to see Chris, Bryan, Chris' mom Carol (persianmom) and Misha!! Hubby and son will run out and get take-out chinese for us all.

Jason/Devon bought me a PINK coffee mug from the coffee shop where she works and Missy sent me a cute card and I just got off the phone with her:)

05-08-2005, 09:11 AM
I bought my Mom a pair of sunglasses she had her eye on and a really neat bird feeder thats made of wood. Its a cottage and I know she'll love it cuz she just bought a cottage. We are going out for brunch today. :)

05-08-2005, 09:22 AM

Don't apologize, you didn't make me feel sad. I hope you have a wonderful day with your Mom. ;)

05-08-2005, 09:29 AM
Since I was born on Mother's Day, and today is my birthday, it's kind of more special to my mom. She didn't want anything for Mother's Day because she has me, and the whole "Birthday on Mother's Day" is a enough for her.

Since today is my birthday, we're going out to eat after church, but we're calling it "Som Day" because it's combining MY birthday (my name being Sara) and Mother's Day (referring to her as Mom). :)

After that, as long as my mom has some peace and quiet, she'll be a happy camper. When I get older, I'll do more special things for her, but it's really hard trying to surprise her now.

05-08-2005, 10:15 AM
I gave my mom a few gifts this morning, including a scrapbook page with a bunch of pictures of us kids and her on it.

Kiara gave my mom a wet tennis ball in the lap and gave her the special previledge of throwing her tennis ball for a morning swim.

We're heading off to the beach soon for about an hour or so and then we're going to have a BBQ of some sort.

05-08-2005, 10:40 AM
I just called my mom and had a long talk with her. She is going out with dad and his sibs for lunch. I'm going out to my daughters for a few of my things . we celebrated on Thursday the kids gave me a new table top fountain with a lighthouse on it. Hoping may be going for dinner but with al the new deposits on house may not.