View Full Version : My mom got a kitten!

05-02-2005, 08:39 AM
She went to a pet store just to look around, she seen this kitten that she thought was maybe 3 weeks old in a cage by it's self. She took the kitten out of the cage and started petting it. It was covered in poop and pee. She went up to the counter and asked the guy how much he wanted for the kitten. He kept telling her that he will be ready in a few more weeks. So she left and went grocery shopping. She was very upset about the conditions at this store and went back. She sent her boyfriend inside the get the kitten. Her boyfriend (Steve) went in grabbed the kitten, went up to the counter and said I am taking this one with me. The guy said no you can in a few weeks, Steve said no I am taking him now. He threw 50$ on the counter and walked out. They got him home, and he went right to the litter box, and used it correctly. My mom has been trying to bottle feed him but he wont take it. He has been eating canned cat food. She took him into the vets because his eyes had puss coming out of them. The vet said he is about 4 weeks old and put him on some antibiotics.

She has called the SPCA in her area. They will be going to the store to check the living conditions for all of the animals. My mom told them if they take the cats my mom wants all of them. There was about 8 or 9 cats there. SPCA put her down on the report as a new home for all the cats and kittens.

Sabastion (kitten) (sp?) sleeps with her every night and curls up next to her on the couch while she watches t.v.

She went and got another kitten from a friend of hers at school. Sadly she had to return the second kitten. The second kitten would grabbed Sabastions throught and wouldn't let go unless my mom pryed her mouth open. She said the second kitten was to wild for her to even try to work with.

I am still wating for my mom to send me some pictures. So once I get pictures of him I will post them. :D

05-02-2005, 08:48 AM
There are just some peole,that should not,be in charge,ofLiving Craetures,and I hope,that the SPCA,fines him,heavily,and takes custody,of the Poor Animals!And at least Sebastien,is asfe,and in his New Furr Ever Home! Bless your Mom,Nad That Gentleman,for helping,the Helpless!


05-02-2005, 09:00 AM
Oh Katie I am sooo glad your mom got the kitten from that store! I hate to look in petstores that sell kittens and cats for that very reason - the condition some of them are in. PetsMart has them in cages but they are for adoption and always look clean and cared for.

It sounds like a smart and sweet lil thing - already eating real food and using the catbox. And, good for her taking it right to the vet.

Pictures will be great!!:)

smokey the elder
05-02-2005, 10:37 AM
The cats in cages at Petsmart usually belong to a specific rescue group, who is responsible for their maintenance.

Good for your mom for rescuing that tiny kitten!

05-02-2005, 10:43 AM
I'm glad you rescued him! Sounds like he'll have a great home now and is out of that horrible place.

I hope the store gets nailed for treating the animals like that!

05-02-2005, 10:58 AM

I'm so glad your Mom intervened on the kitten's behalf!! I HATE pet stores that sell animals FAR to early! Your mom is that kitten's guardian angel. I hope the SPCA shuts that jerk down!

05-02-2005, 05:02 PM
Bless your mom!
I will keep the lil one in my thoughts and prayers.

05-02-2005, 05:55 PM
What an amazingwoman your mom is! You should be very proud of her actions. Please keep us updated on what happens ot the store.

05-02-2005, 06:33 PM
Way to go,Mom!!!!! It sounds like there's a new and happy kitty. That place should be reported to every agency possible. About a year or so ago, complaints were filed against a pet store in th eMercer County area. The SPCA went in, took one look at the place. All the animals were taken to the shelter where each was given a vet check, and put up for adoption. The store was shut down on the spot, the owner arrested and ultimately got smacked with a pretty heavy fine. Several months later, he opened another pet store in another area. This time he was arrested, fined, and spent a few months in jail. So, it is possible that the same may happen to this pet store owner at the very least...though I'm hoping for more. This post is just to let you know that sanctions do happen. Can't wait to see some pictures!