View Full Version : Why are they infatuated with my hair?

01-23-2002, 10:26 AM
Why does Noah sleep on my pillow at night, above my head, and eat my hair? First of all, yuck, it can't taste good! :) When I pick him up for our daily "mommy's home cuddling time" he goes after my hair after a while too. Why?

Former User
01-23-2002, 11:06 AM
Because it's forbidden and makes a nice toy :D Casper and Kitty are the same with my hair, they like my long blond hair, esp. when it's wet, they seem to think it's yummy :eek:

01-23-2002, 11:24 AM
My Jessee (now at the Bridge) used to chew on my bangs at night. One morning I woke up with wet, stringy bangs and believe me I didn't get a "bang out of it":D :D Also when holding her, she'd reach up and grab my hair. STRANGE BEHAVIOR:confused: :confused:

01-23-2002, 12:20 PM
My Rainbow Bridge kitty, Sydney, was fascinated with hair. At the time, my hair was long, and he used to love to play with it. He never tried to eat it, though. It was the '80s, and I think all the hairspray probably turned him off. http://bbs2.fanforum.com/images/smilies/LOL.gif

01-23-2002, 12:47 PM
Guess so Chuck - however my Jessee liked the hairspray, in fact she wouldn't touch my hair if it was clean and without the hairspray.

01-23-2002, 12:47 PM
:D :D :D Chuck, you are on a roll!!!! LOL!!!

01-23-2002, 02:02 PM
Bushes freaks out when I use any cleaning solution with bleach in it. The smell must get into my hair (I use spray bottles) and she just loves it. It's just like her reaction to catnip. She chews on my hair, paws my head and then lays herself down with her paws hugging my head.
I have to be so careful not to let her anywhere near where I cleaned though. I don't want her licking the actual cleaning solution!:)

01-23-2002, 03:09 PM
My Spot will lie on my pillow above my head. Sometimes he holds my head in his claws for a minute, and then he will draw close and purr in my ear. (I call this snuzzling.) Buster grooms my eyebrows. Both actions usually occur on a weekend morning when I sleep late.

I think cats are fascinated by human hair (as if it were a different kind of fur) and want to groom us just as they would their kitten or close cat friend.

01-23-2002, 03:10 PM
When Rascal first came to live with me - he always used to bite my hair and then one day he just stopped. I didn't change shampoo type - or hair spray and I wash my hair every day.

I have to tell you I don't miss it - he used to try to get right down to my scalp. I have never figured out what that was about, unless it was a dominance thing.

01-23-2002, 03:29 PM
WE HAD THAT TOO! Our lovely Siamese , Kisi (Rainbow Bridge now) used to adore washing and grooming my husbands hair whenever he sat on the floor, she'd sit on the chair behind him and whilst the grooming was going on, she'd purr like and engine!:D :D
Oh lovely memories:) :) :) :)

01-23-2002, 05:01 PM
I wondered if it were a grooming thing too.

When Noah sleeps around my head, he will put both paws and his head on my forehead. My husband says Noah is telling me that he "own's me"...

01-23-2002, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by purrley
My Jessee (now at the Bridge) used to chew on my bangs at night. One morning I woke up with wet, stringy bangs and believe me I didn't get a "bang out of it":D :D Also when holding her, she'd reach up and grab my hair. STRANGE BEHAVIOR:confused: :confused:

I didn't have bangs until Sophie took a nap with me one day...

01-24-2002, 06:47 AM
:D :D zippy-kat.

01-24-2002, 06:40 PM
Wouldn't it depend on what you put on your hair? After washing mine every day, I use nothing on it, and my furkids do not "get into my hair". (Pun intended).


01-24-2002, 06:48 PM
The only time Ritz showed any interest in my hair was the time I decided to curl it (it is normally straight).

I came downstairs and she FREAKED OUT, ran over to me jumped up and began attacking my hair pawing at it, eating it...and scratching the scalp..ouch.

My spouse extracted her and put her down on the other side of the room, I stood up and she ran over, climbed up my sweat pants, sweatshirt and perched atop my head, once again madly clawing at the curly mass.

I finally had to wash out the curls - I think she thought someone was attacking the mommy cat's head! I know I posted this before, but I laugh every time I think about it because I learned that day that we had not only adopted a family pet, but a built in fashion critic!

No, mommy, no...curls are a BAD LOOK for you!!! (Come to think of it, she's right) :)

01-25-2002, 04:25 AM



01-25-2002, 12:59 PM
hee hee, that is too funny tuxluvr!!! What a funny Ritzy!

I put mousse and a texturizer in my hair and when my hubby puts his hair porducts in his hair, Noah loves to lick his hair...maybe that's what he likes...

Oh, well, with my baby-fine hair, I HAVE to have hair products in it... :rolleyes:

01-28-2002, 10:30 AM
All of my cats when they were kittens would play and curl up in my hair while I slept.

Batting at my eyelashes was another fun game. Getting claws unstuck from eyelids is not fun. :eek: :D

Reebok would especially play in my hair. He'd kneed it and rub his face in it, making these strange purring noises and drooling!!!

I'd hate to say it... but I think it gave him a kitty happy. :eek:

01-29-2002, 03:38 PM
Don't let Elvis read ramanth's post Thelmalu!! He may get some more ideas!! ;)

K & L
01-29-2002, 04:06 PM
Your cat is grooming you to show you his love and acceptance of you. That's a BIG compliment for you!

01-30-2002, 06:01 PM
K & L,
Really??? That is so sweet!!! Now I can't wait to get home for some grooming!! :)

01-30-2002, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Don't let Elvis read ramanth's post Thelmalu!! He may get some more ideas!! ;)

I KNOW!!!! LOL, That's the last thing I need!! :eek: >shudders<


01-31-2002, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by thelmalu99

I KNOW!!!! LOL, That's the last thing I need!! :eek: >shudders<


LOL!! Do I even want to know!? :D

Chance will still lick my face. If I'm in the bathroom he'll jump up on the counter and give me a 'kitty hug' by placing his paws on my shoulders, then will proceed to lick my face.

I get portable cleanings if I pick him up.