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View Full Version : I'd like to adopt another... but don't know if I can....

Don Juan's mom
04-30-2005, 02:14 AM
I went into Petco last night to get cat litter for His Majesty Don Juan, and made the mistake of going to the back of the store where they keep adoptable cats. I made the aquaintance of Casey, a two-year-old female brown tabby. She meowed and put her paw up on the glass, and I sat on the floor and talked to her.

I've thought about getting a playmate for Don Juan, but I don't know how I can do it. I'm in a small one-bedroom/one bath apartment. The bathroom has a space just large enough for DJ's cat box, but I don't know where I can put another box. It also means I don't have a place where I can segregate a new cat and gradually introduce two cats to each other.

Then, there's the $ factor. I'm hoping to be called back for a temp assignment at a CPA office, but if that doesn't happen I'll be back to looking for work.

But I'd like another cat, if only so Don Juan won't be so dependent on me for company.


What do you think? Can I introduce another adult cat to Don Juan (he's 5 1/5)? Should I think about a kitten instead? Or should I forget it?


04-30-2005, 05:11 AM
I, of course, would say go for it........but, do your homework. Find a shelter who uses foster home and then TALK to these people. Most foster homes will have multiple cats. So what you want is to find a cat who has been introduced to other cats with great success. I can tell you when I bring in a new foster which ones will not cause havoc with their new adoptive siblings, and which might be more of a challenge.

As for the kitten angle, yes they are cute and playful and less of a threat to the resident cats, but oft times they are too energetic for an adult. (in other words, they can pest the heck out of an adult. And one that doesn't want to play, can get very annoyed).

Now, as for the size of the place, it doesn't sound too small for 2 cats (for 10, maybe, but not two). ;) And don't worry about WHERE to put another box, just put it ANY where! You'd be surprised.

Most of all.....have fun choosing. It's a great time.

04-30-2005, 08:14 AM
I must say, I've been in your shoes!

We live in a 2 story townhouse, 2 bedrooms . . . We have 2 cats and only one litterbox. So far, so good! Of course it's a littermaid which cuts out a lot of the work & mess for us . . . but like I said, it's working.

I would imagine that when we buy a house, we'll get another littermaid . . . but for the space we have, one is enough for our two cats.

I would definitely suggest a playmate for Don Juan! We got Brodie as a playmate for Josie and I'm soooo happy that we did! They love each other so much!

Only suggestion I have is that you should get a cat of the opposite sex & younger than Don Juan. Might make it easier on him.

Good luck & keep us posted as to what you're gonna do!!!

04-30-2005, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Don Juan's mom
It also means I don't have a place where I can segregate a new cat and gradually introduce two cats to each other.

Since DJ's cat box is in the bathroom . . . how would you feel about keeping the new cat in your bedroom with a small temporary box for a few days?

That's how we separated Brodie. We kept him & a small litter pan in our bedroom . . . then we put a child gate in the door between the bedroom & hallway and let the 2 cats meet through the gate . . . eventually we took the gate down. There was a lot of hissing & smacking, but that only lasted a week or two! ;)

04-30-2005, 08:25 AM
When we had Allen alone, he was a nice cat, but not loving. Since the introduction of Pouncer, he's blossomed into a loving, playful, SWEET kitty.

I understand the money part. I have 4 cats and wonder how I can afford them! :D But I do. I make sacrifices in my own life to give them what they need.

As for the litterbox, you'd be amazed at how creative you can get. I have one in the bathroom, one in the hall closet (working out GREAT) and one tucked behind a small cabinet on my bedroom -- its diagonal to the corner, and the box is behind it. I simply push the cabinet out of the way, scoop, push it back in place. The cats love it because they're hidden and have privacy. I know, three boxes for 4 cats... but two of them are HUGE - doubl normal size, and I scoop three times a day.

Don Juan's mom
04-30-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by christa
Since DJ's cat box is in the bathroom . . . how would you feel about keeping the new cat in your bedroom with a small temporary box for a few days?

No problem at all, except that the bathroom opens off the bedroom.

I'm getting lots of ideas.... I could possibly get a kennel to put in the bedroom. My closet would be large enough for a kitty box, with a little clearing-out. :rolleyes:


04-30-2005, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Don Juan's mom
No problem at all, except that the bathroom opens off the bedroom.

No door inbetween?

If there is a door, you could put DJ's litter box in your room, the new cat could be closed up in the bathroom with a litter pan . . . just until they're getting along.

Would that work?