View Full Version : New apartment, loud vocals

01-22-2002, 12:40 PM
I moved to a new apartment last weekend. Larger place, great amenities. Anyway, Bouja and Bushes are just lovin' it. My question is, what's with the loud meowing? They've not been the most vocal of kitties up until now. A meow here and there, but now they're talking to each other, talking to me, talking to the tv, talking to the birds, talking to walls, anything and everything. And it all started as soon as the movers left. It's amazing.
Any ideas what's up in their kitty brains?:D

Former User
01-22-2002, 12:46 PM
Dunno what is going on with your cats, but sounds hilarious :) :)
A bit like Casper is every now and then, keeps meowing just about to anything....

Edwina's Secretary
01-22-2002, 01:05 PM
When we moved from a townhouse to a house Edwina changed and became a much happier and loving cat. I have always wondered if it was because now she had more windows to look out of and LOTS more widelife to observe, or whether just more "roaming space" in the house or it was just coincidence.

Perhaps your cats like all those amenities? ;)

01-22-2002, 01:27 PM
I don't know for sure why they're doing that, either. Cats are such mysterious creatures.
My cat, Elvis, was not a big talker when I adopted him. Now that he has been here for several months, he has started meowing a lot more often, among other positive changes in his behavior. I like to think that it's because he's happy here. :) One of the cute things he does is, if I'm in another room, he meows until I call out to him, "what's the matter, baby?", then he comes running to me. :) :)
Maybe your kitties approve of their new home and are just trying to tell you so. :D

01-22-2002, 01:48 PM
Thelmalu you are so right! Cats ARE mysterious creatures and I think that's why we love them so much! :) My Trevor very seldom meows unless he feels the need to express his discontent about something to me. He meows when his bowl is empty or he wants a treat or when he's in the carrier on the way to the vet. When he's in there he sounds like a lion!!! Oh he also meows when he sees his brush come out. He just loves to be brushed. :) Elvis sounds like a little doll! Andy is sort of like Elvis because he meows in response to questions that I ask him (doubt he understands...:) ) or if I call him. He also usually comes running when I call him and it's usually just for some lovin'---no strings attached, just pure cuddling! :) Trevor, on the other hand, will come if he sees something tasty in my hands. :rolleyes:

01-22-2002, 02:36 PM
I bet it's the new surroundings, they must be happy with their new place! :)

Noah only makes any vocal noises if he is mad (when mommy wont let him attack Noel :rolleyes: ), when I come home and he needs some lovin' and when he is in another room and I am not there...he calls out to me. (As I said before, he is my shadow)

Noel is a constant noise maker! She meows about everything !

01-22-2002, 02:42 PM
I'm thinking everyone's ideas are probably right on target. I have a lot more direct sunlight, more windows, and softer carpet. I never thought that the specific reasons I picked the place would delight them so much!
I'll see if I can get any photos of them. They're just so happy and bouncy now - Bouja jumped to the top of the fold-out closet doors the other night. And she's my mommy cat - reserved and quiet. I have a feeling that will change now!

C.C.'s Mom
01-23-2002, 06:47 AM
Rudie is very vocal too. He likes to make very funny loud noises that are especially for me and they sound like 'oh-oh'. He does this when he's upstairs and I'm not and he wants me to know where he is (or something). When I say something to him from the stairs to let him know I heard him, he calms down and goes to sleep. Very funny.

I also think the cats are happy. They like a lot of space. I once moved from a small old apartment to a big sunny one. The cats where so happy!

01-23-2002, 06:51 AM
Sounds like your kitties are getting used to their new surroundings - they do really strange things when their routine is changed - sounds like a positive reaction - watch out for accidents though - never know what they'll be up to until they get used to the change:)

01-23-2002, 05:37 PM
Livvy (and more rarely Cassy) will occasionally "call out" from another room. I'll call back to them and ask if they are okay. Apparently that interaction is all they were interested in.

Kind of cute. :rolleyes: :D

01-23-2002, 07:23 PM
Laura, Snow Tiger and Jumper will sometimes call out or meow with enthusiasm over something that interests them while they are running through the house. Jumper will also meow when he wants attention. Usually, I have to go over to where he is and pick him up for some cuddling. I'd say your furkids are expressing their delight with the new surroundings. :)
