View Full Version : Miracle Kitty

04-28-2005, 01:21 PM

Moses the cat gets some attention yesterday from Humane Society spokesman Linda Elmy after he was found in a tote bag submerged in the Don River April 16. (Craig Robertson, SUN)
THE DON River nearly claimed the last of Moses' nine lives. The orange tabby cat was on its last legs when animal lovers Ivor and Shirley Oram pulled it from the freezing cold Don River.

It had been stuffed inside a bright-blue tote bag with the word Global on the side and sent floating down the river.

"He was at the point where I think we'd heard his last cry," Ivor Oram said of the cat's state when he opened the bag to find the soaking wet, nearly dead feline.

"It was touch and go."

Oram, 62, and his wife were out for a walk on Saturday, April 16 in a ravine at Finch and Cummer Aves., near the Don River, when they heard a cat howling.

The couple looked around for it for a while, but it seemed to be moving, recalled the father of six.

"We realize now that's because the cat was floating down the river," he said.

They moved closer to the water to investigate the noise when they saw a blue travel tote bag stuck on some rocks.

Oram took off his shoes and socks and waded into the icy water to retrieve the bag.

Once safely back on shore, Oram opened the bag only to find the orange tabby, believed to be between 1 and 3 years old, partially submerged in water inside and barely alive.

"The water was really cold and if I was cold, imagine what it was like for a cat," he said.

Oram immediately bundled the cat in his clothing and he and his wife hurried home. When they got home, they called the Humane Society and were told to bring it in for emergency care.

"We knew there was some life left in him because he'd let out a cry every now and then," said Oram, who intends to adopt the cat once it's healthy enough. They already have three cats and a dog at home and believe Moses would fit in.

Since his rescue the "miracle kitty" has been making a remarkable comeback, said Linda Elmy, Toronto Humane Society spokesman.

"He's a fighter," she said.

Society staff named the cat for Moses who the Bible says was rescued as a baby from a river by an Egyptian princess.

Elmy said investigators are looking into who would have done such a terrible thing. Anyone with information on this case can call 416-392-2273.

04-28-2005, 01:23 PM
Wow...happy ending at least! Poor Moses and such an appropriate name!

04-28-2005, 01:25 PM
What a horrible thing to have happen to a kitty. Thank God he was found in time. Grateful to the people that happened to find him. What is wrong with people in this world? How could anyone do such a thing. I am just glad that the story had or hopefully will have a happy ending.

04-28-2005, 02:18 PM
How horrible. It makes my stomach turn to think of what that poor cat went through. Moses sure found a miracle in the ones who rescued him.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-28-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by catlover4ever
It makes my stomach turn

Mine too :eek: :mad: :mad:

04-28-2005, 03:18 PM
What a sick, sick world we live in, when animals can't be treated with decency. I hope the bas***ds who dumped this poor cat in a bag, and into the water to drown get theirs. :mad: I'm so happy Moses was saved in time. He had some angels looking out for him that day, poor dear.

04-28-2005, 03:19 PM
I can't begin to say how sick that made me feel. Just reading the short little story brought tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine how someone could do this to an animal if you really can't care for an animal anymore or really don't want it take it to a shelter at least you are giving it half a chance at a decent life. Why torture it?

04-28-2005, 03:35 PM
Yes, but thank God an animal lover walked by and saved the poor kitty.

04-28-2005, 03:37 PM
Here is a photo of the little kitty;


04-28-2005, 03:41 PM
poor little baby...he is sooo lucky to be alive. He looks like he isn't too much the worse for the wear thankfully. He looks pretty darn good for a kitty that came within an inch of his little life from drowning.

04-28-2005, 03:44 PM
Thank GOD that wonderful couple came along and found that bag!!! What a beautiful boy he is!! I love happy endings.

But...I hope whoever did this to Moses is brought to justice and rots in hell!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-28-2005, 05:38 PM
There isa meaness,in Canada,and the USA,a colness,not only,to our Fellow Man,but Animals,as well.I dont know,why some people,would do this,to a smal animal.Maybe,some people,are jaded,and this,is how they amuse themselves.A Pox,on them.And Mosese,is now a Member,of the Found Cat Orange Orgnaization,and if I could get his address,Moses,would be getting TOYS! The MICE!Canadian Cat Nip MICE!


04-28-2005, 05:49 PM
Lucky little Moses! A special thank you to that kind man who went into the icy water and rescued poor kitty. Here's hoping that Moses continues on the road to recovery! My wish is through the loving care he's getting from the people who care for him and about him, Moses will in his own way realize that not all humans intend to hurt him, there are many who are outraged, sickened, and appalled at the senseless cruelty he had to endure. You're one strong kitty, Moses. Whoever did this to you will be repaid in kind. Wishing you a life full of love and happiness with human companions who will treat you with all the kindness and affection you deserve

04-28-2005, 06:54 PM
I'm soooo glad this had a happy ending and little Moses was saved! I hope, out of all this, that he gets a great home and so do other kitties that maybe adopted with the media's attention on the shelter.