View Full Version : I'm back again! :)

04-27-2005, 05:56 PM
I hope my internet company is done messing with my internet. I have been arguing with them over the phone for the last 3 weeks now. If it goes out again I probably wont be back on for a long while. I will switch internet companys if they can't get it right this time.

To all: I will be trying to get caught up on all the latest news, threads and so much more that I have missed. I have already looked through 17 pages worth of threads I have missed. :(

I also have a lot of updates which I will be posting through out the week.

You would think with all this time away from the computer I would at least have taken a few pictures. But nope I didn't. I have been running animals to vet for the past three weeks. I haven't really had time to take pictures.

Well that's all for now..

04-27-2005, 06:00 PM
I have been having trouble,with my connections,and right now,I am back,on Dial Up,as the modem,that they gave me wasnt working,at all.I am glad,to see that you are back,as I missed your Kittys!

04-27-2005, 08:20 PM
Welcome back, Katie!;)

04-27-2005, 11:01 PM
Welcome back Katie.

I hope your computer problems are over now and I hope with your comment about running to the vets that nothing is wrong with your furkids.

04-28-2005, 12:08 AM
welcome back Katie!

04-28-2005, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Welcome back Katie.

I hope your computer problems are over now and I hope with your comment about running to the vets that nothing is wrong with your furkids.

Everyone is fine now. :D It was just mainly the dog that had a problem which is pretty much fixed now. She's just on medication for it.

04-28-2005, 06:36 AM
Katie!!! Hi! Hi!! I am glad you are back! Omegosh - no Internet would make me panic. I hate when companies do not provide the service they promise and I imagine talking to them on the phone so much is infuriating!:mad:

There - I am done griping and again, glad you are back. Oh my so much to catch up on - I am away a couple days and feel I need to go back also and read what all has happened.

Now we need Rachel and Cubby pictures pretty soon! Right?:D

I read another of your posts that you were going to sew quilts again too - Yippie!! I have lots of materials ready - taking a break and sewing pillows but have a stack of quilts cut and ready to sew also - again - pictures!

04-28-2005, 08:20 AM
I will be trying to get caught up on all the latest news, threads
You know, that's my problem. I can never seem to get caught up, especially here in Cat General.

Welcome back and hope your ISP realizes the importance of your internet access. After all, we can't have you off Pet Talk for too long.;)

Running to the vets? I hope the babies aren't sick. Looking forward to pictures.