View Full Version : Neville's T-Shirts

04-27-2005, 12:13 AM
For those of you who expressed interest in Neville's t-shirts, here's the information cross-posted with permission.

Any profit goes to the Benevolent Fund currently working on supporting two pitty mommies who have recently landed in rescue and had litters. :)

As far as the t-shirts go...you can order them through [email protected] via paypal. Just be sure to indicate your size preference. It will be sent within 24 hours. The cost is 25$ and that includes shipping. If you do NOT have paypal holler and I'll send you the snail mail info! You can see the first completed shirt here http://groups.msn.com/NewLifeAmericanPitBullTerrierRescue/general.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=95652&LastModified=4675519869250952134

and on the side bar you will see our Benevolent Fund which is where any profit goes