View Full Version : Out trip to Central Park

04-21-2005, 01:03 PM
Last weekend the weather was really nice so Collin and I decided to take Duncan to Central Park. Don't know why we thought that was a good idea but luckily it went well. I was very proud of Duncan actually, he gets very stressed around lots of people, hates bicycles and doesn't like runners...but he did wonderful! He didn't lunge at anyone or bark at the bikes. We were there for a few hours and must have walked the whole length of the park!! I took a few pictures, nothing really came out well though...Collin kept yelling at me to put the camera away!:rolleyes:

One of Duncan and I on a rock:confused: Don't know why Collin took this, he took like 5 of them and none of them came out well...

Another one...


Duncan walking...(Taking silly pictures like this could be why Collin told me to stop!;)


Duncan and Collin.

We saw lots of interesting dogs at the park but I had to take a picture of this one...He was HUGE and I mean HUGE, like 3 pit bulls in one...This is as close as I would get!

04-21-2005, 01:09 PM
Here are just a couple more views of the park...



04-21-2005, 01:22 PM
I don't get it? I think the pictures are terrific!! Not everyone gets to see what Central Park is really about in a real afternoon, not a movie ;) You and Collin are a great looking couple and Duncan looks happy and handsome. Was Collin embarrassed that you two might look like *shudder gasp gag* tourists :D Well I think they are great pictures and when you three should go again just tell Collin he can pretend he doesn't know you and snap snap away :p :D

Ginger's Mom
04-21-2005, 01:26 PM
I am glad that your trip went so well. And the pictures are great. Good boy Duncan. He deserved a chance to walk through Central Park before he moves. :) So do you think you will go again?

04-21-2005, 01:31 PM
I agree with the others. Great pictures! It's probably the only way I will ever get to see Central Park. Is it a huge park? It looks really nice. Duncan looks like he is having fun. I love the pit. Three pits in one now that is a BIG dog.;)

Daisy and Delilah
04-21-2005, 01:39 PM
The pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I haven't been to NY in a while and it's a thrill to see it again. I love it there. What a good boy Duncan is and it looks like you and Collin had a good time too.:D :D :D

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:) :)

04-21-2005, 04:21 PM
I'll probably never get the chance to go to Central Park so I absolutely loved the pictures!

I'm so glad to hear that Duncan did so well on your walk! Give him a big hug from me:D

04-21-2005, 04:40 PM
Since everyone seemed to enjoy the pictures of the park, I thought I would post the remaining ones I have. Only 3 more!
I don't know if we will go again with Duncan. It was actually very stressful for all of us, not quite a "stroll in the park" like you would imagine! First, on the way there I had to ride in the back with Duncan so he didn't misbehave. And then, we had to be so careful because he is not the friendliest animal in the world. People can be so stupid sometimes and will try to pet him or bring their dogs over to "meet" him....Actually, the biggest problem we encountered were the small dog' owners...these Paris Hilton wannabes are walking their 3 or 4 pound dog and talking on their cell phones and not paying an ounce of attention to what their dog is doing. :mad: :mad: It was very annoying as the dogs would wander across the path and try to come near Duncan and we would have to walk by with a huge dog and try to keep him away from their little ones...You would think that they would be more concerned with their dog's safety than their phone conversation!!

I definitely think it was helpful to socialize him some more and get him used to lots of people though.

SO anyway, here are the remaining pics I took at the park:




04-21-2005, 05:17 PM
Wow -- amazing photos. I loved seeing Central Park from your perspective! Anytime you want to go back and snap more shots, please do!

04-21-2005, 05:22 PM
Absolutely beautiful pictures, and please do try to give it another chance. If, of course, it works out for you. You have a chance to give others a peek of "The City" that we may not see. All cities have those stupid "glitter walkers" with dogs that match their outfits :rolleyes: but even they deserve a chance to see real people with a real dog. So does "The City". Just my honest opinion, for what it's worth. Thank you.

04-22-2005, 12:51 AM
i'm so jealous! i want to take smokey there sooo bad. alas, i dont think i can sneak a 70 lb pit bull on the 6 train!

04-22-2005, 01:08 AM
Great pics.:)

Daisy and Delilah
04-22-2005, 02:42 PM
Thanks for adding the extra pics. They're fantastic!! It's such a beautiful park.:D

Love, Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:D

04-22-2005, 04:29 PM
Thank you so much for posting these. Its always good to see Duncan. I would also love to see Central Park sometime. I can't help but envy you. If you and Collin go back for that "stroll in the park" make sure you have your camera again and get lots of great shots of the park. I'll just have to live through you for the time being...lol.

Robin :)