View Full Version : Seinfeld was wrong....

04-19-2005, 12:27 PM
a show completely about Nothin' isn't very interesting. Even one that features dogs.

I just got a new video camera, so I came up with this bright idea to start continually taping the Collies (Murph is crated, because I don't want them to accidentally hurt him), while I'm at work. The plan was to get a lot natural footage of them doing things throughout the day. From the moment I left the bedroom, they both went and laid down. Not a peep out of'em. I've got an hour and a half of them doing absolutely Nothin'. Well I take that back, I've got about 30 secs of Oz barking at something he heard outside and Gull a couple times moved to a different spot to sleep and banged the bells a couple of times to go outside (Guess he hasn't figured out that isn't one of Oz's many skills yet). But the rest of the tape is them napping.

So I'm gonna have to come up with a different plan of attack. Taping continually when I'm home I guess. But I really don't want to be in it, so I'll have to position the camera where only my legs show. :) Man, I thought they'd play a lil' with each other during the day. Who knew that all the excitement revolves around me? ;)


finn's mom
04-19-2005, 12:28 PM
How funny, I've often wondered what Finn does when I'm away. I've always thought he probably didn't much of anything. :)

My Peanuts
04-19-2005, 12:55 PM
LOL I know what you mean. When I was in college I would put RB Angie on my bed to sleep. She couldn't get up there on her own, but she liked to sleep up there. Then I'd get ready for school and go to 2 or 3 classes and come back home. I'd say I was gone a minimum of 4 hours and Angie was still asleep on my bed. I knew she hadn't moved because she wouldn't have been able to get back up. What a life! :D

Ginger's Mom
04-19-2005, 01:11 PM
Ahh, but you have answered an important question for all of us one dog Mom's. I pretty much knew that Ginger didn't do anything when I wasn't home. But I have wondered if another small dog would be a good idea to keep her company. The answer seems to be they really don't pay any attentiion to each other when nothing else is going on (like treats, or games, or walkies, all of which require a human being around).

04-19-2005, 01:41 PM
I don't need a camera to tell me what 3 of mine do during the day! I've had the shredded beds and all those "caverns" in my yard to let me know! LOL!!!! :D Mine are obviously not as dependent on me for entertainment as yours are, Par!!! :eek:

04-19-2005, 02:03 PM
I'm not sure how much of it is Luck, Breed or Me, but I guess in the scheme of things, that they're doing Nothin' is a really good thing. :)


04-19-2005, 08:39 PM
I know what mine do. Autumn finds a bag of suckers and sits there eating them on the chair until they are gone. Then she climbs up on the backrest of the chair and dozes while watching out the window so she won't miss when we come home. Pepper on the other hand goes straight to the garbage can and shreds everything it it and leaves a trail all over the house. If the garbage can is behind a closed door she finds some paper to shred and sleep in. Sonny knocks things off the table, bats them under the stove, and then naps on a chair in the kitchen after he runs out of potential toys.