View Full Version : Haven't been on in a while... but here's whats been happening.

04-18-2005, 08:04 PM
Hey everyone, I haven't been to my mom's for a while partially because she had strep throat and was very much contagious... :p and a few other reasons.

Gavin is recovering from Whooping Cough/Croup as lots of you know, he's doing really good, just has a little cough and a stuffy nose now and then.

Abby and Charlie are doing fine too, Charlie just learned to make a new noise that sounds sort of like dripping water... it's hard to explain... sort of like a squeaky toy, but its really quiet and high pitched... lol. If you get what I'm saying, BRAVO... if not, neither do I.

My mom... gosh. Where do I start? She had strep from Fri. 15th until about today. She also told my dad that she might be getting a $2300 bonus from work. Well, what might she spend it on?, you might ask. Some would suggest paying off a few bills, money she owes people, maybe a little spree and go shopping. But believe it or not, she wants to get liposuction. Add to that the fact that it's "only $1800" and she currently owes my sister $1000+ dollars, thats the dumbest decision she could make. Whether or not you agree with me is up to you, but you have to know my mother. She spends 15 of her 16 awake hours on the computer, she smokes, and she doesn't eat healthy. Liposuction will not make her skinnier unless she restricts herself to a diet and exercises. Personally I think there are a lot better things she could be doing instead of liposuction.

To top it all off, I heard the worst news of my LIFE yesterday. My dad told me that he heard from numerous sources my mother has a boyfriend.

You heard me correctly, married woman has boyfriend.

I don't even know where to start on that subject. She hasn't said anything, but apparently, my aunt knows she does (my mom's sister, the one she talks to about everything), my grandparents know (her mom and dad) and my sister knows more than she is telling us.

This makes me SICK. The fact that she bosses my dad around, makes him her personal slave, and he does everything for her, and she possibly has a BOYFRIEND? Ugh. UGHHH.

I'm done ranting. I don't even want to think of a strange MAN in my mom's house that I will hate immediately... because he will be a person my mom loves more than my dad.


04-18-2005, 08:15 PM
Oh Megan honey, you sure have alot to deal with , for one so young, I am so sorry you are being put through all of this, I have tried to see it from your mother's point of view, but honestly I think it is time she GREW UP, she is being so selfish from what you tell me, she needs to put the needs of her children first for once and stop thinking about her own.

She is not setting you a good example of family values here.

As for the liposuction, well it is not something I would consider , especially if I owed money left , right and center, infact I was given a little money for my birthday from my mother last year, about 500 dollars, and I have invested it in bonus bonds, as I want to spend it wisely, and share it with my husband on a holiday or something we all need, I cannot imagine just blowing it all on myself.

Hugs to you, I really don't know what else to say Megan,I don't want to sound harsh and come down hard on your mother, because she is your mother, and you still love her regardless, but I just think she is being very selfish.

04-19-2005, 12:16 AM
n_n. . I hate parents sometimes. Family in general. why do they have to ruin our lives?? hehe. seriously, I'm really sorry for all that you're going through, at times I'm very very happy my parents divorced when I was 3 ;) don't let them get you down too much, you'll be moving out soon and just be determined to have a healthy, loving family of your own someday! :D

About lipo, you need to talk to you Mom about this. If she's getting it done somewhere for $1800 (:eek: ) she could be risking her life with shistey doctors, infections, complications, tons of stuff. My Stepmom was skinny and she got Lipo, for "problem areas" (which is the only reason you should get it, if you can't lose fat in a certain area), it was VERY painful, she couldn't really do anything (like work, but she doesn't work anyway :rolleyes: ) for a month, and it cost $10,000. For a SMALL amount, she really didn't have much to be sucked out :rolleyes:! LOL. . anyway, it is very serious, besides being selfish and impractical. She should pay back your sister! I HATE it when parents borrow money from their kids!

anyway, feel better, and good luck with everything.