View Full Version : New Summer Trends?

04-12-2005, 09:53 AM

PJ's Mom
04-12-2005, 10:31 AM
I'm suddenly feeling weak. :eek:

04-12-2005, 10:56 AM
This sure is making the rounds...I've received this in emails twice since yesterday.

I can think of better things to do with ribbon and rings. The saying 'Diffenent strokes definitely applies here...:rolleyes:

04-12-2005, 12:04 PM
Imagine getting that caught on something or somebody really mean coming up to you and rrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiipppppppppp!

Laura's Babies
04-12-2005, 12:14 PM

04-12-2005, 01:03 PM
ouch! :o

Felicia's Mom
04-12-2005, 01:04 PM
:eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :D

04-12-2005, 01:08 PM
Oh-my-gawd! You've got to be kidding! Look at how sore that poor girl's back looks. And all I can do is look at the mess around them and wonder how antiseptic the piercings were. Ouch is nothing compared to the infection that would set in later.

04-12-2005, 01:12 PM
:eek: YUCK!

04-12-2005, 01:28 PM
I say "YUCK", too!!!!! :eek:

04-12-2005, 01:48 PM
:p:p:p:p thats not a summer trend as I've been planning my wedding dress to show the new piercings I'll have -- called, corset piercing

Edwina's Secretary
04-12-2005, 01:56 PM
What happens if her body changes? If she gets pregnant or gains weight? I could never image being so unhappy with my body that I would do something like that....

04-12-2005, 01:56 PM
Ugh! Self-mutilation is NOT pretty!

04-12-2005, 02:54 PM
Put it in the doghouse. (I thought that was the place for threads not everyone wanted to open:p )

04-12-2005, 03:00 PM
Sorry.:o I'm not sure how to move it into the dog house. If you tell me how I will be glad to do it.;)

finn's mom
04-12-2005, 03:00 PM
Wow, that's just....wow. I am not grossed out, nor do I think it's attractive. I think it's cool, though, for someone else. Piercings and tatoos are definitely forms of art, and, the body is the canvas. And, art will always be changing and expanding and shocking. ;) I've seen a guy with piercings down his back, but, I've never seen the ribbon incorporated into it. Interesting.

04-12-2005, 03:08 PM
So how do you sleep when you can't take them all out for a while? I just don't understand how somebody would want to deal with these things sticking out of their body everyday. And then there is still the sick though I mentioned before.

finn's mom
04-12-2005, 03:10 PM
When the guy I mentioned got his back pierced, he just slept on his stomach until it was comfortable to do otherwise. And, it's just like anything else, I guess. If people want it bad enough, they'll do what they have to. Different strokes, as was stated earlier. :)

04-12-2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Jadapit
Sorry.:o I'm not sure how to move it into the dog house. If you tell me how I will be glad to do it.;)

Don't worry. I meant it not totally serious;)

04-12-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by LKPike
:p:p:p:p thats not a summer trend as I've been planning my wedding dress to show the new piercings I'll have -- called, corset piercing

so you are planning on doing this to yourself? *feeling a touch green and not with envy right now*

I can't even get my ears pierced a second time I hate pain so much.


04-12-2005, 03:20 PM
ew. Corset Peircings are nasty! Some girl at my school has one, and it's butt ugly.. In some ways it can look unique.. but its not for me:eek:

04-12-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by IRescue452
I just don't understand how somebody would want to deal with these things sticking out of their body everyday.

unfortunatly they dont usually last long :( the body usually rejects them within couple/few months when their in places like that.

04-12-2005, 06:06 PM
gross!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

04-12-2005, 07:17 PM
I am shaking my head back and fourth. :rolleyes:

04-12-2005, 07:56 PM
I don't find it attractive either but different strokes for different folks.:(

04-12-2005, 08:01 PM
I think thats sweet! I wouldn't have it done, but only because I don't like ribbons :D... love the piercings though.

04-13-2005, 08:34 AM
Well my first thought was "OUCH!" but I really think it looks nice (after the healing) but would never ever want it for myself!

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-13-2005, 08:45 AM
Looks "GROSS" to me :eek: . How can anybody find that attractive? Yuck....

04-13-2005, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by anna_66
Well my first thought was "OUCH!" but I really think it looks nice (after the healing) but would never ever want it for myself!

I'll agree with that!

04-13-2005, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Wow, that's just....wow. I am not grossed out, nor do I think it's attractive. I think it's cool, though, for someone else. Piercings and tatoos are definitely forms of art, and, the body is the canvas. And, art will always be changing and expanding and shocking. ;) Interesting.

That's exactly how I feel. I'm not in to it, but it is cool.

04-13-2005, 05:03 PM
I think it looks really cool, quite painful and *I* would never do it, because i could neverrrr take that pain, but it looks really interesting..

Suki Wingy
04-13-2005, 05:57 PM
um, no. That looks stupid. And you would need someone else to fix it or change to a new ribbon!
nice purple bra, though!

04-13-2005, 07:39 PM
I've always wanted a surface piercing like that... just not in those areas. :eek: