View Full Version : WARNING: Cat Show Pictures

Laura's Babies
04-09-2005, 07:06 PM
Mike and I spent the whole afternoon at the cat show today and I never saw so much cuteness and beauty under one roof and so much stuff to buy... YES, I brought home a lot of new stuff for my babies and they tore right into it..

On to the pictures... This is Bill, one handsome hudge boy that realized there were other cats behind that curtian in his cage and he wanted to go play! He started ripping and digging, trying to get over there. His Mom told him to stop and he was so funny, he turned back around to face her and tried to stare her down and would glance back that that curtian... over and over. Once he realized she was not going to turn her head away from him, he just gave up... Here is Bill

I loved the markings on this one.. Look at those stripes!

What a FACE on this one...White as snow and just so pretty!

I am putting more in the next post but I warn you CUTENESS OVERLOAD!

04-09-2005, 07:12 PM
oh my God that tabby is georgeous and that little face on the white kitty and the grey kittie are adorable

04-09-2005, 07:13 PM
These pictures are great. I'm so glad that you had a good time at the show. I'll be looking forward to more pictures.:)

I'd say that Bill is a Maine Coon, #2 looks like a silver marbled American Shorthair, and #3 is an Exotic which is a short haired persian. They're all gorgeous.:)

Laura's Babies
04-09-2005, 07:18 PM
These are the curley haired kitties, kittens that were to adoreable for words and they were for sale for a meer $700.. They guy was so sweet and he would take them out of the cage and hand them to you and they were the most laid back babies I every saw. He said that is their personality and they love to be held, ANYWAY you want to hold them... To prove the point...



04-09-2005, 07:25 PM
AAAaaawwww! (Aren't Cat Shows wonderful?) What goodies did you buy?

04-09-2005, 07:29 PM
What??? :confused: :confused: :confused: No HAIRLESS cats????

Laura's Babies
04-09-2005, 07:38 PM
Oh, Bill is a Russian Siberian (?) the lady said...

What did I buy... 4 little fur mice, one LARGE one that looks real and this other thing that looks like a really bushy tail of something that Giz tore into as soon as she saw it, 2 large bags of catnip some bowls that hook onto a wire cage (Yaaaaa! The search for them is OVER!) and a pill popper.

Also brought home LOTS of samples of Nutro, he said to take what I wanted and gave me a really large bag... what was I suppose to DO? :D I asked before I grabbed the 5# bag and he told me "Nope!"... (MIke said I acted completely shameless too)

OH! I almost forgot. Mike was talking to a lady that is a kitty phsycologist and she said the best way to decipline a cat is like their Mama's do.. You pick them up by the scruff of their neck, hold them, not IN your face but close and growl at them while you very gently & slowly shake them, then put them in another room for a "time out". She said the Mama cats do this and push them away from the litter and they never forget that so they understand when YOU do it...

04-09-2005, 10:46 PM
Those are some gorgeous kitties.

Laura's Babies
04-10-2005, 09:13 AM
They had hairless cats there but not everybody would let you take pictures of them because of the flash. Some of the cat owners were really friendly and some were not, some would let you pet them, some would not...

04-10-2005, 09:22 AM
Those photos,are so great,that Iwish,that there was A Cat Show,that I could go,to.As there are Great Cats,Sales Reps,from the Cat Food Companies,and Great Toys.One,of Michaels favorite Cat Toys,a Gold Pillow,came from there,and he plays with it.

My brother,says that I dont have,to go to a Cat show,I just have to go home!

04-10-2005, 09:33 AM
Oh Laura, what great pictures! I fell in love with every one of them! I bet you had so much fun!!!
I have got to find a show near me!

04-10-2005, 09:40 AM
Great pictures Laura!! Those curlie babies are so cute and the pure white cat - beautiful!!!

I also look for hairless at the shows and have only seen ONE. (that's for you Donna and Moo:)

Sounds like you picked up some great goodies, too!:D

04-10-2005, 12:19 PM
YIKES STRIPES!!! :eek: Those markings are stunning! They are all gorgeous cats. The white one looks similar to one I rescued some years ago. Poor thing had babies a few days later, but none survived. :( Looks like you had fun! :)

04-10-2005, 01:22 PM
Aww! Did you get to hold or pet the curly-furred one? What does their fur feel like? Great pics!

Laura's Babies
04-11-2005, 09:16 AM
That man with the curley ones let everybody hold them. I held all 4 of them and kept going back to hold them some more. I snuggled and kisses them ALL! (one even had a pink nose!) and I was so busy looking at their faces that I did not look at their feet.. Their fur is just soft, maybe a little softer than Amy & Chesters and they had the cutiest little faces!

There were plenty of hairless ones there but they had them in those dark screened cloth cages and you couldn't get good pictures through those.

One of the ladies told me there is another cat show in Plaqumine (across the Mississippi River) next week end.

04-11-2005, 09:25 AM
Oh my gosh, Laura!!! I wish I could have gone with you!!! What beautiful babies! Oh my, I LOVE those stripes!!! Absolutely AWESOME!!!:eek: :eek: That little curly whirly kitty is adorable too ... I love it when the breeders are friendly ... some of them can be real snobs!!:rolleyes:

Thanks for all the pics .... they made my morning!;)

04-11-2005, 10:07 AM
So Bill is a Siberian? Tigris' mom is too. Of course I couldn't tell her from a Norwegian but in general they are smaller than Maine Coons.

Love those curlys- how laid back can one be?:)