View Full Version : Chief!!

04-08-2005, 10:04 AM
Hello Chief! I think you are wonderful looking horse. I love your coloring. You sound like such a great guy. I'm so glad that you have senority now. I'll bet you like hanging around with your pal, Chester and just enjoying the day.

Congrats Chief! Enjoy your special day.

Robin :)

04-08-2005, 10:52 AM
You are a very beautiful horse:) I know a horse at the same color as you, and I love the color:) Youre very old and cute and I wish I could have a horse like you someday;) Congats of being our honored pet of the day!!!!

04-08-2005, 11:25 AM
What a wonderful and dashing horse you are, Pretty Chief! How cool you have a little donkey friend to share your home. May you have many many more years of happiness and horsing around. Congrats to Sweet Chief! :) :D :)

04-08-2005, 12:56 PM
What a stunning fellow you are!
I really enjoyed seeing your wonderful picture today and meeting you. How great that you have a donkey pal to play with!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day!

04-08-2005, 03:10 PM
What a beautiful, sweet, gentle soul you are, Cheif! I was so touched, reading your human's touching bio of her/his speicial freind! At 36 years old, you certainly are entitled to reign as King of the Pasture!!! And I'm so glad you have your little donkey bud Chester there with you to make your days extra special, too! What a precious sight that must be, you and Chester, side by side, wiling the days away without a care in the world!:) Ok, maybe an occasional trail ride, but don't over do it. Your golden years are meant for play, not work;) Kids, donkeys, heelers and grown ups alike think Chief is the best and we do too, Chief! I hope you and your pal Chester and your devoted human and all your friends and fans enjoy a very happy, treat filled day celebrating your day in the spotlight! Congratulations to beautiful Chief, our most precious and deserving Pet of the Day!!! I wish for you and your family many, many more happy, lcarefree, love filled years together!;)

04-08-2005, 04:49 PM
Steady, sweet, reliable, docile. Just a few of the words to describe your beautiful personality, dear Chief. I'm so very glad to hear you are taking it easy and enjoying the golden years of your life with your bud, Chester. Your guardian mentions that you can still kick up your heels and turn on that speed at times too :). After giving so many faithful trail rides over the years, to humans and even some pups ;), you've more than earned your relaxed and happy retirement. Chief, I hope today is extra special, filled with LOTS of your favorite treats and some quality time with your pal Chester and your proud guardian. Congratulations on being our most HIGHLY esteemed Pet of the Day!

future vet
04-08-2005, 11:06 PM
Cheif, what a pretty boy you are! I hope you get to have a wonderful day and get to celebrate with Chester!;) Congats to being the sweet POTD!!!:) :D royal blue