View Full Version : AH! Cat Ate String! Help!!!

04-07-2005, 06:21 PM
Ok, so my husband called me this afternoon to tell me that he'd stopped home and Dodger ran to greet him with a piece of my sewing thrread hanging out of his mouth. He said he then pulled it out of Dodgers mouth and about 2 or 3 feet came out. Will that hurt Dodger?

I've done it before and he seems to still be alive and kicking and seemed like it didn't hurt him. It's been about 3 hours and he's not any different than normal.

I read to put a little vegtable oil in the drinking water and watch his pooing habits to see if he is having issues...is there anything else? I can't imagine it would cause much blockage as it was thin thread and not a big string like some peoples stories...I read a few that said their cats ate dental floss and passed it fine. (dodger would love that...mmm mint glorious mint)

Anyway....im trying not to get worked up and freak myself out. Any advice?

04-07-2005, 06:26 PM
Nothing you can do now but sit back and wait. If it came out easily, chances are nothing happened. Watch her, make sure she's still eating, drinking, using the litterbox normally, etc. Watch for blood in the litterbox. I'd think if something happened, you'd notice already. {{{HUGS}}} Its scary when the cats get themselves into trouble.

04-07-2005, 06:33 PM
Ugh! Today is craziness in the house of Kinzer Kats. Dodger eats string. Teirza is screaming and running around and scratching the furniture (I think it may be the thunderstorm that's badly brewing outside). And they went into the bathtub to hunker down intime for the bath caddy's suction cups to giveway and fall on them. Lots of tail fluffing going on here.

04-07-2005, 08:35 PM
That is scray,that the way,that a Cats curiousity,will get them,into trouble! Scrappy 2,has to get intoeverything,and get in trouble.Its been a long time,since I have had a Kitten,and I have to Kitten Proof,thje Hotel.I hope,that that string,doesnt hurt,your Cat companion.
