View Full Version : I'm changing Gracie's name!!

04-06-2005, 08:42 AM
Well all weekend was spring cleaning weekend. We got almost nothing done. Of course! So this week before I go to work I have been doing as much of it as I could.

Well today I cleaned out the kitchen, moved everything that I can move. Swept and moped like always. Then I took Gracie out for her potty break. Well dummy me didn't think that she would possibly get her feet all nice and muddy for me. Well of course she started digging. So I kept saying Gracie NO! I brought her back inside, there she goes walking all over my nice clean floor with nice muddy feet. So I gave her, her breakfast and started to clean up her mess. No big deal there.

Then my next project was to clean my furniture. (We have leather furniture, and I have to use leather cleaner on them.) So I get my cleaning stuff out, I kick (not really kick) Gracie off the couch. I start cleaning one side of the couch and she is right next to me trying to lick the cleaner off. I yelled Gracie NO! She turned and looked at me like I'm nuts. So I grab the bottle and read to see if it is harmful to animals. It says it isn't so I continue on. She is still at my side just watching me at this point. I turn to grab the bottle to put more on. As I do that, she leans her head into the couch to try to lick it again. I yelled once again Gracie NO! So at this point I am ready to throw in the towel with my spring cleaning. I told her to go lay down on her chair. Which for once she listened to me. :rolleyes: ;) After she got on her chair I went to get her a few treats. We give her a lot of charcal treats, it helps with her gas. Lol.

We are not allowed to sit on the furniture for 1 hour now. Which is fine with me. Try telling Gracie that. Every time I see her lifting up her leg to jump up there, I always say Gracie no! then she gets right down. I have been making her lay in *her* chair for the last 15 minutes.

I have decided her new name is going to be NO! She probably already thinks her name is Gracie no. We'll see if she will answer to it. :rolleyes:

Sorry this is so long.

Dixieland Dancer
04-06-2005, 08:54 AM
Poor Gracie. :( Tell mom it's that time of year!!! :eek:

I'm waiting at least through April before I start really cleaning. Especially the carpets. It's just no use now with two sets of muddy paws in the house. It seems all we have is rain anymore! :mad:

PJ's Mom
04-06-2005, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer
I'm waiting at least through April before I start really cleaning. Especially the carpets. It's just no use now with two sets of muddy paws in the house. It seems all we have is rain anymore! :mad:

I hear you're expecting more within the next couple of days. The storms we got last night, to be specific. :( I hope you dry out soon.

Cubby, thanks for sharing your story. It was cute. :D

04-06-2005, 09:23 AM
LOL!! :D

My cousin used to think her middle name was "NO" :p

04-06-2005, 09:39 AM
Dont worry Mum it will all stop soon.

I know a dog called Tahlia COME lmao :D.

04-06-2005, 09:42 AM

She knows 'come' but only on her terms. :rolleyes:

04-06-2005, 10:45 AM
that's too cute! my Gracie probably thinks her name is "Gracie NO" as well.lol

04-06-2005, 11:38 AM
i try not to put the two together...i'll
just say 'NO' real loud...if he hears
"MAXIMUS NO"...well i guess he dosn't
hear, cuz he ignores it...:rolleyes:

04-06-2005, 12:01 PM
LOL.. sorry shes giving you a hard time,, they do that,, just like kid...... funny,, Lucy thought her name was LucyBelle No too,, now she thinks its LucyBelleCanIt! (as in shut up!!!)

:D :D :D :D

she also responds to Lucybellelearntomeow!

04-06-2005, 10:03 PM
Oh my gawd, I used the word NO in conjunction to so many words, that I used to think Giselle wouldn't even respond to the word anymore. That's why I started using Ah-Ah :p :o I also considered relinquishing her because of transition troubles and Lucky tirelessly reminding her that he was Alpha. There also days that I would reflect upon what happened that day and whether or not I praised her more than I reprimanded her. For the first few months, I know I used the word NO or AH AH more than Good Girl. Eventually, she caught on and we almost near to never use the voice-of-God NO. Anyhow, sounds like Gracie's acting like a normal "new" poopie. Have fun spring cleaning!

04-06-2005, 10:29 PM
That's too funny! My Lacey thinks her name is 'move'! Seems she's always under my feet!:D

04-06-2005, 10:34 PM
lol!thats too funny
i hear no all day at my house:rolleyes: :pThere always getting that word 'NO'.Lucy listens,but Kodie is too darn sutbborn and obviously has selective hearing,lol. Good thing we love our kids!:D

04-06-2005, 11:29 PM
so her name is going to be Gracie Noel? :p
That is how Rachel's Hannah Noel got her name.

04-07-2005, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
so her name is going to be Gracie Noel? :p
That is how Rachel's Hannah Noel got her name.


04-07-2005, 08:01 AM
LOL!! I love it!

I could change Buddy's name to "Off"
I am for EVER telling him to get off the fence.

Sierra's name could be "No Dig"
For her being such a princess, she sure loves digging in the mud and dirt!

Gracie, I just love your new name!!:D

04-07-2005, 10:57 AM
My dog Jack is always jumping on people or the table and our normal reaction was to say " Jack Off" when he jumps but one shouldnt be screaming that all day, especially in public so now we just tell him off...

PJ's Mom
04-07-2005, 10:59 AM
lol Oh my...


04-07-2005, 11:50 AM
I have a cat named Juni Get Down!

04-07-2005, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by k9krazee
My dog Jack is always jumping on people or the table and our normal reaction was to say " Jack Off" when he jumps but one shouldnt be screaming that all day, especially in public so now we just tell him off...

:D :D :D spitting coffee all over myself now.....:D :D :D

PJ's Mom
04-07-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
I have a cat named Juni Get Down!

Get down works with Juni? If I say get down, my cats just look at me. :D

04-08-2005, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by k9krazee
My dog Jack is always jumping on people or the table and our normal reaction was to say " Jack Off" when he jumps but one shouldnt be screaming that all day, especially in public so now we just tell him off...