View Full Version : K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 1; Visiting CatCrazyLady (*12 pix*)

K & L
04-06-2005, 02:14 AM
The Plan:
Take our first real vacation in at least two years. K's brother was to be married near Newark, New Jersey. We would fly from Phoenix to Louisville to visit with K's family for a few days. Then, we'd drive a rented vehicle to New Jersey, attend the wedding, and drive back to Kentucky for another short visit and the return flight to Phoenix.

The Devilish Details:
Sometime early in the vacation planning, we decided to take the four grand-daughters (aged 4, 5, 7 and 11) with us. With them in-tow, we'd make the trip an educational tour by traveling historical routes and making a stop-over in, among other places, Washington, D.C.
Next, the PT visits started popping up in our itinerary. I'm not sure how they started, or by whom (ask L.), but before we knew it we'd planned a 7 day route that included stops in Shelbyville, Ky. (PT), Washington, DC. (tourism), Newark, NJ. (wedding), Allentown, Pa. (PT), and Dayton (PT) and Cincinnati, Oh (PT).

K&L's PT Tour - Prolog:
With an extravagence way beyond our normal life-style we hired a limo to the airport. K knew a Limo owner whose prices were just slightly above those of the local Super Shuttle 's. It was a surprise for the girls and started things off with the proverbial bang.

Our (Delta Airlines) flight from Phoenix to Louisville was uneventful and on time - arriving just before midnight!!! However, our luggage never got off the plane and ended up in Minneapolis! And, Budget Car Rental didn't have the mini-van we'd reserved a month earlier so they 'upgraded' us to a gas guzzling 13 passenger van.

The girls were finally tucked in about 2:00am:

Jump forward 20 hours - we've finally received our luggage and traded in the huge van for an SUV that is barely big enough for the six of us and our luggage.

During the visit with K's family, we visited the Fort Harrod restoration in Harrodsburg, Ky;

and prepared Easter Eggs;

K&L's PT Tour - Chapter 1: Visiting Catcrazylady
Finally, we hit the road in our overstuffed SUV. Our first destination was Catcrazylady in Shelbyville, Ky. By now we had been away from our gagle(?) of cats for almost a week (and lost Porch as well). We were in dire need of cats to pet.

We pulled up in front of Catcrazylady's home to find Lisa, Joe and a number of cats just inside the front door to their home. As soon as they saw all of us spill forth from the car they closed and locked the doors and ran to the back of the house to call the local cops. Well, not really - but I would have were I in their place.

Lisa and Joe were great hosts who made our visit very pleasant and entertaining. Conversations started immediately, as though we were all old friends. Leroy (the cat) seemed to be the designated greeter cat. He introduced himself to all of us and generously allowed us to satisfy our need for cat caressing and petting:

The famous Magoo was also one of the first to greet us. He was our first experience with a blind cat and to watch him navigate you'd never believe he was sightless. He was as friendly and trusting as any sighted cat we've encountered. The fact that his coloring was pretty similar to our recently departed Porch made his attentions even more pleasing.

Lisa and Joe were great to talk with.

As they related their cat experiences, the similarities to our own were remarkable. Its no wonder cat people so easily converse; they've so much in common via their cats. Well, except for the story Lisa told about how she had to squat in the middle of the street trying to coax a cat by scratching the surface with a stick. Or, the racoon that visits her front porch. Its always nice to hear the local 'flavor' of living among/with cats (and other animals).

They were very patient and trusting to let our girls roam throughout their home in search of other cats. Some cats let the girls pet them, others stayed just out of reach.
Beautiful Stubby

And Pete (prudently) decided a peak through the barely opened door was as much as he wanted to do with us:

After visiting for about an hour and a half our schedule required us to leave. We owe Lisa and Joe for their warm hospitality and good company. They're great people and we heartily recommend any other PTer's travelling near Shelbyville, Kentucky should give them a call. We hope some day to be able to host them in our Arizona home.


We'll try to post the next chapter in a few days...

04-06-2005, 03:21 AM
Great pictures.And so nice seeing you guys get together.PT'ers are the nicest people and it's so good to be able to visit one another.I'm glad you all had a nice vacation and a safe one too:D :D :D

04-06-2005, 04:04 AM
Now that is the right way to do these photoromaces! Long and with details and with many many pics:D

Love those 4 girls in the bed. They will forever dream of that great excursion with their granny:D

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-06-2005, 04:31 AM
You sure had a great time at Lisa's!! You were so lucky to meet Mr. Magoo in purr-son!! Great pics too!

Cannot wait for Chapter 2 ;) :D

04-06-2005, 05:06 AM
A few DAYS ?? :eek: (I have no patience! :D )

OH, back to the subject at hand. What wonderful pictures. (there seems to be an extra child in that one photo ;) )

Thanks for allowing us to live vicariously through your vacation. Yours is like a dream vacation (to a PT person, any way).

04-06-2005, 06:15 AM
Looks like you all had a fantastic time, but I can't believe you actually had time to do 'touristy' things on top of all the visits! :eek: Great pics. :)

04-06-2005, 07:00 AM
Isn't it great to get to meet other people from here? I am so jealous that you got to meet Magoo. He seems so sweet. Of course, I'm sure it was nice to meet his humans, too :D

04-06-2005, 07:42 AM
I felt like I was there in their home with you! Great photos, and great story leading up to the trip. :)

I now need to schedule a flight to Kentucky! :D

04-06-2005, 09:01 AM
If the Found Cats,wouldnt miss me,so much,I would love,to travel,and meet All The Pet Talkers,and thier Cats! But I would have,to leave....


04-06-2005, 09:11 AM
Great thread! How nice to meet everyone.

I, too, noticed an extra child in that picture...did you guys leave her somewhere along the way?:D

04-06-2005, 09:39 AM
DC? Did you say a stop in DC for some tourist things!! Allow me to assist as tour guide. I've lived here nearly my whole life and work a few blocks from the National Mall where most of the museums are. Most "tour sites" are free and April is usually a lovely time of year. Let me know!! We can meet anywhere anytime.

04-06-2005, 09:41 AM
Great pictures and story. I felt like I was there visiting also. I can hardly wait for more pictures and stories.

Laura's Babies
04-06-2005, 09:58 AM
WHY did I cry again when I saw you petting Magoo? Gosh, I know I love that boy but I didn't realize how MUCH I love him until I saw someone else petting him!!!!!!!!! ( I cry, I think, because I want to meet him SO bad!!)

I think you had every PT'er dream vacation and I am sure you will remember this one for the rest of your life! I hope you started a new fad of us doing that same kind of vacation... When I visit Lisa, she would have to check my purse as I leave to make sure I don't steal Magoo!!!

(I know what you mean about your need to caress and pet after being away from yours a week.. Gosh, when I get off that boat and see a kitty in someones yard.. I want to stop the car and get out to pet it! It takes me about a week to realize that every shadow I see out the corner of my eye, ISN'T cat cat)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-06-2005, 11:11 AM
Wow, what a trip! Thanks for sharing all the pics and details. What a wonderful trip for both of you and your granddaughters. I'm sure you all will have memories that will last a lifetime from this trip. :D

Killearn Kitties
04-06-2005, 11:11 AM
I'm exhausted just reading the first part! I'm amazed you had time to squeeze in visits to places of interest as well. You certainly made good use of your time.

04-06-2005, 11:55 AM
Yippie!!! I SOOOO enjoyed Chapter One:D I feel like I am reading a book with wonderful pictures and am actually there!!! The pictures and details are just terrific:D

This vacation sounds like a PT dream and I would love to do the same - even the tourism things to make it *official* as a vacation:p Meeting PT folks is such a thrill - something I never thought I would do (meeting STRANGERS!!:eek: ) but they are much more like old friends.....:D :D (remember when we made our trip and met CCL, Jazzcat and Kimlovescats...)

I know you guys seem to be having a great time and I know that the girls will always have happy memories of this special spring break trip.

04-06-2005, 12:16 PM
Thank you so much for letting me feel a small part of your wonderful visit with CCL ! I really must meet her some day as well, Kentucky and Tennesse aren't that far apart!;)

04-09-2005, 12:33 AM
what a great travel log!
I enjoyed the pics. I am sooo glad you included the link in Chapter 2 b/c I missed Chapter one!! :)
I noticed the stray child too! ;) Is she a rescue that was rehomed! ;)

K & L
04-09-2005, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
what a great travel log!
I enjoyed the pics. I am sooo glad you included the link in Chapter 2 b/c I missed Chapter one!! :)
I noticed the stray child too! ;) Is she a rescue that was rehomed! ;)

She's Kevin's brothers daughter.

04-09-2005, 08:39 PM
Thanks for sharing your visit with CCL with us. It sure looks like everyone had a wonderful time.:)

04-12-2005, 11:02 AM
I loved reading and viewing Chapter 1!!!! :) You are an excellent narrator, Kevin!!!!! ;) I'm off to Chapter 2!!!!!!