View Full Version : I got a new baby!!!!:-)

04-03-2005, 10:06 AM
I have waited a very long time for this little angel and on April 1 I finally got her. Her name is Star and she is a ragdoll mix with such pretty blue eyes. I got her from a couple who had two cats that had kittens from the same male cat. She's a sweet heart and is keeping me busy since I have not had a cat in several years, it is taking me some getting used to.

First of all she was not completely weaned, she is six to seven weeks old. I can not get her to eat anything except occasionally kitten chow, and that is only when it is dry. I have tried milk, softening, warming, kitten chow, wet canned cat food, semi moist cat food, and chicken broth. She meows like she's hungry, but then I get her something and she runs away and plays. Could it be she just misses her siblings? I have only had a 2 days, this is day 3?

I feel like a first time mother and Im stressed. I do not want her to starve or dehydrate.


04-03-2005, 10:14 AM
Oh Annie I am excited to read that you have your new baby as I know how much you miss having kitties!!!

6 weeks is pretty young but still old enough to eat her kitten chow. Maybe just be sure it is always available and she she will eat when hungry.

Lizzie & Robbie were 7 weeks and also not completely weaned - always wanting to suckle. We bought a can of kitty replacement milk and put in a bottle for them, but they were not having any of that!!

Does she seem playful and healthy? If so - maybe you are a normal worried Meowmie:D I am sure others here will have more suggestions but I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!:D