View Full Version : NEVER again!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-01-2005, 09:14 PM
So, we just had the scare of our lives! :eek: :eek:

I had put CJ's harness on so he could get used to it. He was curled up on the couch by me and it seemed like he was actually getting used to it. Terry called me over to his computer so we both had our noses stuck in the computer when all of a sudden Jack flies off the couch and flops down in the corner. Terry's like "What's with him?" I said "I don't know" and went over by him. He was frantically scratching at his face with his back legs. When I got closer I could see his jaw was stuck in the strap of the harness! I tried to get a hold of him to try and free him but he's quite the wirey little guy and he kept getting away. All the while Terry's yelling about how I'm killing Jack and just cut if off - like I have a knife in my bra or something. :rolleyes: So I yell back that I don't have a knife and he has his little swiss army knife that he gets out. We finally get Jack calm enough where I can hold him and Terry can cut without injuring any of us. Sliced right through the thing, unsnapped the strap around his stomach and threw it right in the garbage!

Needless to say we were all pretty shook up - including Peanut. Jack has calmed down some and is currently hiding under the dining room table - don't blame the poor little guy. Now if I could just get Terry to calm down. :rolleyes:

I had not tightened the straps as tight as I would have liked because I wanted him to get used to it before I tightened it up. Well, never again will one of my cats have a harness like that - never.

04-01-2005, 09:27 PM
I was holding my breath reading that! I am so glad he's ok.

Thats why my guys don't wear collars - Pouncer did the same thing. Then a few weeks ago I triedd to see if the young one would wear a collar and within 5 minutes, Harry had his jaw caght in the collar. SCARY :eek:

I hope everyone calms down soon enough. Especially Terry. Boy, its nice having men who love their cats.

PS: Better start sporting a bra that comes with Swiss Army knives. ;)

Cinder & Smoke
04-01-2005, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

... Jack flies off the couch and flops down in the corner.

... Terry's yelling about how I'm killing Jack and
just cut if off -
like I have a knife in my bra or something. :rolleyes:

... he has his little swiss army knife ...
Sliced right through the thing...
and threw it right in the garbage!

Well, never again will one of my cats have
a harness like that - never.


Boots, da Kat, here ...

Uhhhh, CJ ~
Dis is prolly gonna put a lil "krimp" inna back yard ex-kurzins! :p

I dun summa dat "kollar inna mouff" stuff when I wuz a lil kiddy-kat...
I dun da hole thing - skreemin, floppin all round da room,
gaggin, koffin ... Dad hadda <chop off> a reelee *nice* kollar. ( :mad: )

Week later he had a nudder kollar ...
Put dat sukker on so <TITE> I kudint get a pawnail unner it!
Da <flippin> an <floppin> dint have much effekt when Dad KNEW
I wuzint gettin hurt by da kollar.
Aftur wearin it fur an hour a day fur about two weekz ...
I jest <gave up> an qiut <fussin> bout it.

NOW I wearz a Red Nylon jobbie 24/7 - an dont pay it no mynd at all.

I'd bet iffin ya wanna <see da wurld> inna yard -
ya better learn ta wear dat harness!
Better <think> about it, Bub!

/s/ Da KAT ;)

04-01-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by catnapper

PS: Better start sporting a bra that comes with Swiss Army knives. ;)

The only tool you will ever need.:D

Glad Jack's Ok, & better get Terry a slushie:)

04-01-2005, 11:42 PM
Poor CJ. Glad you were able to get the harness off without any injuries.

04-02-2005, 02:21 AM
Oh CJ! This is not what I wanted when I told you about Eddie's tricks!!!!! You must have mixed something up!

Poor boy! And poor Debbie! What a scare!

04-02-2005, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
So, we just had the scare of our lives! :eek: :eek:

I had put CJ's harness on so he could get used to it.



I am not going to write a poem about that.....

You mom with a knife in her bra......:eek:


04-02-2005, 04:56 AM
YIKES!!! (the exact reason my cats do NOT wear collars). I hope you all recover from your excitement.

04-02-2005, 06:52 AM
....i read this before i've had my first cup of coffee. first the worry for cj, then the image of the knife in the bra.....i'm going back to bed. this is too much, too soon, glad it turned out okay. wowsa:eek: :eek: :D :eek: :eek: :p

04-02-2005, 06:56 AM
You don't carry a knife in your bra?? What's wrong with this picture? Thought all females do!

Glad it turned out ok...I know it was a horrific experience..

04-02-2005, 07:08 AM
like I have a knife in my bra or something

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Ya mean you DON'T?????? *lightbulb goes on over my head*

Hello, Victoria's Secret?? Have I got a deal for you!!!

Glad CJ is okay. I use a ferret harness on Moo. It goes around his neck and belly.

You can come out now, CJ. Everythin is okay!!

04-02-2005, 07:49 AM
Geez Debbie, just reading this gave me a heart attack! My cats don't wear collars because of this. I know of one that died at the shelter before anyone realized his jaw was hung in the collar.
I know it probably wasn't fun for you but I'm glad to hear that cat daddy Terry got so upset!:D
I think Moosmom is on to something with the Victoria Secret knife weilding bra. There may be a fortune in the future for such a thing!:D :D :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-02-2005, 09:05 AM
Thanks so much everybody. Jack hid under the dining room table for the rest of the night, but this morning he is out and about and acting as goofy as ever - whew!

Just a few minor injuries - he got each of us with his claws a couple of times. The package said "quick release" snaps, but they didn't release quick enough, and it wasn't one of those break away collar type thingys, which will be the only thing that ever gets put on him again....if I ever put anything on him again.

Phred is right about this putting a crimp in his backyard excursions, but he didn't seem all that thrilled with the idea anyway, so why should I try to force it on him? I'll still try putting him in the little cage thingy I got for them once it gets warmer and I get it set up, but now I almost afraid to put him in there - who knows how he'll get tangled trying to get out of there? :confused: :rolleyes: :( :eek:

Victoria's Secret? I'd like to order one of those Swiss Army Bras? Thanks. ;)

Laura's Babies
04-02-2005, 09:16 AM
Wow! I too, held my breath as I read that. Poor Jack!! Mommie tramatized the poor baby so you tramatized Mommie and Daddy? Good going PJ!! Wow... and I thought they were safer than collars!!

Rethink the breakaway collars! Rhonda had got some for all of our babies when the "girls" we small and Giz unded up getting hers hung on the blinds and in the panic, Giz ended up almost hanging herself and they collar did NOT break away! She has not put collars on any of them since.

04-02-2005, 09:43 AM
Poor CJ, and what a scare!! :eek: Glad you're all OK. :)

I don't think I'd ever get a harness on Fister! I'm lucky to be able to clip one or two nails at a time. When Fister and his mom went for the spay/neuter, I remember how he freaked out when he was caught in the cage. I'm sure that is when he broke his tooth. :(

04-02-2005, 10:00 AM
Poor CJ, what a horror!!! Reminds me of the horrible day when baby Lily got all tangled up in a lose edge of a blanket and almost killed herself!!! Had to cut her out of there!

I would definitely never use such a harness on CJ again! I once tried that with Luna, buts he ran away and kind of wiggled herself out of it. That day I decided it would be way too risky to let her walk outside my apartment with such a thing!


Maya & Inka's mommy
04-02-2005, 10:09 AM
OMG, what kind of harness what that :eek: :confused: ? Poor CJ, that must have been a real horrible experience... :eek: !
I don't think you will ever get another collar on that boy.... !

04-02-2005, 11:14 AM
I copied this from a 11/02 post:

"Freckles, strictly an indoor cat, doesn't wear a collar, but is chipped.

About 1970, my cat Jerry, was licking and cleaning his chest. Suddenly a lower canine tooth caught in the buckle of his leather collar. Fortunately, he was sitting right in front of me when it happened. I had to cut the collar off. None of my cats ever wore a similar collar again."

I know this is very scary.

04-02-2005, 11:18 AM
My RB cat Oly got stuck in his collar like that one time. I found him when I got home doing a whirling dervish in the front room and by the time I got the thing off he had nearly shredded me and the shirt I wearing. No more collars for the O man.

04-02-2005, 11:52 AM
So glad the Jack'ster is fine. Hopefully, Terry will come around in a day or two. This also happened with Monte. No more harness.

To echo...this is the exact reason none of my cats wear collars.

04-02-2005, 12:05 PM
Poor Cj, and poor Debbie & Terry!! :eek: :eek:

Reminds me of the time I *tried* a harness on my RB kittie Willie. He was a big 20 lb tom cat, and someone told me that I should walk him on a harness. So I bought one, put one on him and took him for a walk in the apt. complex I lived in. Things went really well until a neighbor came walking up the walkway and scared Willie. :eek: He was out of that harness and into the parking lot before I realized what happened!! :eek: It took about 20 minutes, but I finally got a hold of him, brought him back inside, and trashed that harness!

My MIL gave our current kitties collars with bells for Christmas one year, and we put them on, already knowing that they weren't going to stay on, but it was quite funny to see the 3 going wacko trying to get this noisy collar off!! :rolleyes: :p

Indoor kitties don't need collars, and the ONLY time mine go outside is in a carrier to the vet.

Felicia's Mom
04-02-2005, 12:19 PM
I'm glad CJ is ok. Beau wears a collar but Felicia always fights it.

04-03-2005, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Ya mean you DON'T?????? *lightbulb goes on over my head*

Hello, Victoria's Secret?? Have I got a deal for you!!!


It lifts and separates. Comes in camoflauge and has a secret pocket for your Swiss army knife!!!!!!!!

Undies sold separately.;)

04-03-2005, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

It lifts and separates. Comes in camoflauge and has a secret pocket for your Swiss army knife!!!!!!!!

Undies sold separately.;) HeHeHe!!! LOL Richard.

Debbie, I'm so sorry that this happened but glad that CJ is fine now. My cats will never wear collars either and they're all microchipped. I do have a dog harness for Sky but he hates it.

04-03-2005, 01:47 AM
wow...i was holding my breath...omg...shy is so,so,so...afraid....(she is much better now)...when she was young, i tried a collar on her and it was good and snug, well, poor baby still tried to get out and it was all i could do to constrain her!!! i also had to cut off her....i felt so bad...glad your story ended well!!!..:) :)