View Full Version : Almost the end of the season...pics

04-01-2005, 04:51 PM
This time of year, every run could be our last one for a few months. I'm off work today so I hooked up a little team for a run. We only went about 12 km. There's lots of snow, but the temperature is pretty warm. It's 0C today, that's toasty for a sled dog!
Taking a quick break about 3km from home. Just enough time for them to eat some snow!

Taking a break at the turn around point. We took about a 20 minute break here before we went back down the trail. This is not where I normally turn back, but it was too warm to do the full loop today. None of the dogs have started to shed their winter coats yet, so they can overheat in a hurry.

The view from where we stopped. This is my most favorite place on earth. I spend alot of time up on this cliff.

Mac likes it too! He came along, as usual. We did manage to leave without Daisy though. Her kids must be home today!

Franklin and Antare waiting to get their harnesses off.

Pacer seemed to like running alone. I only took five dogs today as the trail is icy and it's hard to control the sled with a bigger team now.

This is what I see when I look behind me from the runners, Mac! He's been trained to stay out of the way of the team. He usually runs on my left hand side, right by my legs. He knows I tend to push from the right when I am helping the dogs.

PJ's Mom
04-01-2005, 04:54 PM
They look so happy. :)

What do you do to exercise them when the weather gets warm?

Does the weather get warm there? :p

04-01-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
They look so happy. :)

What do you do to exercise them when the weather gets warm?

Does the weather get warm there? :p

I have a springer on my bike for them in the summer--for the ones that aren't trustworthy off leash. I do lots of hiking and biking in the summer. I always take a few dogs with me, one on the Springer and a couple running loose.

Starting in late July, I get out the ATV and train them with that. I take the lines off the sled, hook them to the ATV and hook up a team just like on the sled. When it's too warm, I can help them lots with the motor so they don't really do much work. As it gets cooler I leave the ATV turned off or in a lower gear so they do more work.

We have beautiful summers--not too warm usually. We usually get about 2 weeks of close to 30C which darn near kills us all--we go to an old mining quarry and swim lots then! 24 hours of daylight, no humidity. It's a beautiful thing! I'm hoping for a cool summer this year. Last year was really warm, but because of that there were a lot of forest fires.

PJ's Mom
04-01-2005, 05:08 PM
30C almost killed you? You'd love it here then. Typical summers top out at over 100F (38C) ;)

Do you train dogs for a living? Do you race them during the winter?

Sorry for all the questions. I've just always found your dogs very interesting. (not to mention adorable. ;) )

04-01-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by PJ's Mom
30C almost killed you? You'd love it here then. Typical summers top out at over 100F (38C) ;)

Do you train dogs for a living? Do you race them during the winter?

Sorry for all the questions. I've just always found your dogs very interesting. (not to mention adorable. ;) )

I thought I was going to melt!! It was awful, plus it was really smokey from the fires. My allergies were not happy! Between 15-24 is about our normal summer highs.

Unfortunately, I have a day job! I'm a Disability Manager at the Worker's Compensation Board. There just isnt' enough money in training dogs to support myself, my house, my cats, and my dogs. My hubby has a job he loves, but it doesn't pay much! My job is nice as I have a great benefit plan and I get paid leaves. I took this afternoon off to run dogs. I'm working on a deal with my boss right now for next winter. I'll work 9 hours a day, instead of 7.5 and get every Friday off.

I dont' race my team yet. I do some skijoring races usually with Raven. I'm thinking of racing next year, just local sprint races, probably with a four or six dog team.

04-01-2005, 06:25 PM
Go, Doggies, Go!!!!

Great pics. Always love hearing about you and your dogs. I love your favorite place. Very pretty. I really got a kick out of Mac. I love that last pic and he just put a huge smile on my face.

Thanks for sharing!

Robin :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-01-2005, 07:13 PM
We love looking at your pictures and learning about the life there. It just amazes me to hear about places with so much cold weather and snow. You sound like you really enjoy life there. Florida is so hot and humid. I long for cool weather most of the time. It's so nice to hear about your weather and it's great that you love it so much. Your doggies are so beautiful too of course. They also look very happy. This may be a stupid question but here goes.......Do you have cleared roads to get to work, groceries, etc.? Are you able to drive regular vehicles or do you need special transportation? Also, I bet you are in tip-top shape living up there too! It sounds like you and the dogs get plenty exercise. Thanks for sharing and keep the pictures and stories coming!

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)

04-01-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Daisy and Delilah
Do you have cleared roads to get to work, groceries, etc.? Are you able to drive regular vehicles or do you need special transportation?

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)

We plow our own road. We have a blade on the ATV. Our driveway and road aren't plowed so we do that part. Once we get out of that though the highway crew takes of it. I drive a 4X4 truck and it stays in 4x4 mode most of the winter. It's legal to drive a skidoo or ATV right into town too. There used to be a little store about 5km down the highway from us. I ran the dog team there a few times to grab stuff. But it closed this fall!

04-01-2005, 07:51 PM
Looks like a fun day!

04-01-2005, 08:29 PM
A really beautiful part of the world you have there, and great pics as always.:)

Kevin Farmer
04-01-2005, 08:29 PM
Northern Canada sounds like a nice place.
We are here in Arkansas where the summers are also 100F, Rain in the Spring.
Not much snow, just a little a couple times a year if were lucky.

PJ's Mom
04-01-2005, 11:59 PM
Glacier, it sounds like you've really got a great life up there. I would love to visit your part of the world someday...during the summer, of course. :)

I hope we get to hear more about your dogs and see lots more pics. :)

Dixieland Dancer
04-02-2005, 08:49 AM
It sounds like the dogs have a year round fun exercise plan figured out for them!! :D Happy (and lucky) pups!!! :D :cool: :D

04-02-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Glacier

The view from where we stopped. This is my most favorite place on earth. I spend alot of time up on this cliff.

I'll trade locations with you, anytime :p:p:p

04-02-2005, 11:11 AM
Always love seeing pictures of the beautiful area you live in, and hearing about your dogs. Thanks for taking time to post here, checking out your posts is like taking a minute-vacation when I'm working on the computer all day!