View Full Version : Beds

03-31-2005, 08:15 PM
Ok, so this will probably sound like some what of a dumb question, but anyways. I have had this bed since, well, since I was old enough to sleep in a bed. Long time I guess haha. I have a lot of difficulty sleeping at night, I don't know why. My dad says it could have to do with my bed not being comfortable. So, I'm going to get a new bed I think, but, what makes a good bed?? lol.

I guess I want something firm, but not hard and uncomfortable. Something I can crawl into and drift off into sleepy by land..-pssh like that will happen. haha.

Any ideas?

03-31-2005, 08:33 PM
Do you have a Sleep Country anywhere near you? I went in there, explained my sleeping issues and they took me to the bed that was right for me. The commercials are really hokey but they actually do know what they are doing! They delivered my mattress and took away the old one - and it wasn't even one they could use for their donation program as it was beyond use. They just disposed of it for me. They also gave me 3 price ranges. I ended up going with the highest of the 3 price ranges but I sleep so well on my new bed, and if it ever gets soiled, cat pee, etc. it will be replaced!

Good luck!

03-31-2005, 08:35 PM
I LOVE the mattress that we were issued when we moved in to our apartment. It's nice and firm, which I think is the best thing if you have any type of back pain at all. Sinking in to a mattress may seem like it would be comfy, but for most people it leads to achy bones after a night or two:rolleyes: :)

03-31-2005, 08:57 PM
when i got a new bedroom set,i had to get a new mattress.My parents got me a nice pillowtop mattress at a store called 'Mattresses for Less' (there only in houston),i sleep alot better in that than my old bed!Go try some out,and pick whichever one is more comfortable:p :D

Samantha Puppy
03-31-2005, 09:13 PM
Try one of those Sleep Number beds. You can adjust the firmness until you figure out what suits you best.

I have major back issues stemming from back surgery I had when I was a baby for spinabifida, so anything other than a pillowtop mattress is horribly uncomfortable - like sleeping on the floor. So if you know you need or want firmness, I'm probably not going to be much help aside from my suggestion above! :)