View Full Version : Update on Grady

03-25-2005, 12:43 PM
An update to this over in cat health.

Just got off the phone with MSU. Grady came through the surgery with flying colors.

They inserted an interlocking nail, so he has only two small incisions – not one long one. This same type of nail is used in humans, also. I even found an article mentioning the use in a turkey!!

They gave Grady an epidural post-op, so he will have good pain relief for several hours.

The med student will call me again this evening. And tomorrow they will decide when Grady can come home.

I will take pictures once he gets home – doesn’t appear that he will have a cast on, though.

03-25-2005, 12:48 PM
Nose rubs for sweet Grady. Hope he heals up purrfectly, and has enough pain relief to get him through the surgery comfortably. ;) :(

03-25-2005, 01:12 PM
Sheba Kitten,is staying with Grady,until he goes home.And The Found Cats,are pleased,that thier Lttle Friend Grady,came through,so well.

03-25-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
Sheba Kitten,is staying with Grady,until he goes home.And The Found Cats,are pleased,that thier Lttle Friend Grady,came through,so well.

Oh goody - that means there is a party going on up in East Lansing!! Henry, who went to the bridge three years ago, let me know he is staying with him, also.

Ask Sheba if she would be willing to come home with us, and keep Grady company for awhile? He's going to be stuck in a cage for a few weeks as his mobility will be limited while healing takes place. I'm so afraid he's going to be bored to tears, and will try to tear the cage apart - :(

If Sheba and Henry stick around, maybe they can all play cards or chess - something sedate.

03-25-2005, 03:14 PM
Wonderful news, thanks for the update!;)

03-26-2005, 12:29 AM
This is great news!!!:D

A friend of mine has a cat that broke her front leg. It was a very bad break and she had a rod placed in her leg and had to wear it for 4 months before it could be removed. It was a very long process but now she's doing very well. She was an indoor/outdoor cat but will now only be an indoor cat. No one knows how she broke her leg so badly but she had sprained the same leg 2 other times. I think that she may of had a small fracture which then eventually caused her leg to break.