View Full Version : Poor Tigger-Help :(

03-21-2005, 05:47 AM
I'm feeling so sad this morning.

Tigger ran in my room like he didn't know what to do, looked at me turned around and sat down by my chair.

He was staring out the door and he was already getting so upset, then Emma came in the room and walked over to him and starting smacking him, and he ran away and she chased him smacking him.

He was making so much upsetting noises even when she left him alone and he seemed so confused and stressed out :(

She never even smacked him this much when she first came here, I really don't understand it :(

She also smacks Jasper, he has to pass my bedroom door to go eat his food, everytime he's on his way out she runs out the door smacking at him, and he was so scared to eat his food that he CRIED when I tried to bring him out there, and I had to move his food :(

Ack-what is with all this smacking??

03-21-2005, 06:38 AM
Hmmmm, that is wierd. Josie smacked Brodie's lights out for about the first week they were together. She stopped though, and now they just "play fight" all the time! And Josie is very very vocal when she plays!

I don't know what to tell you . . . just give 'em some more time. Hang in there! ;)

03-21-2005, 07:04 AM
She could think its a game. Allen did that ALL the time with Nicki until we got Pouncer, wh became a great wrestling buddy. Abby does it to Pouncer, then runs away shrieking when he goes to smack he back :rolleyes:

How about getting a third kitty who likes to play and wrestle for Emma ;)

03-21-2005, 07:37 AM
I'm thinking that it could either be a form of play for Emma or that famous "tude" that some kitties have. I know how much you love her but it's not fair to make the others miserable either. Have you tried the water bottle when she does this? Maybe you could give her a good squirt when she starts smacking. Don't say anything at all to her when you do it. That way she won't be sure it's you doing it and hold a grudge against you. Squirt her, and turn your head really quick and let her wonder where that came from. She, hopefully, will associate the water with smacking and stop doing it. I don't know if it will work but it might be worth a try anyway.
Good Luck!

03-21-2005, 08:28 AM
That happens,with Ragnar,and Moose,and JJJ3,too.As Ragnar,is such a HUGE Cat,the other Males.are feeling a bit threatened,and Ragnar,is always getting hissed at,but he is way,too big,for them,to start anything.Hoping,that they,and Your Cats,all calm down,and this fighting,can be nerve wracking.:( :( :( :( :(

03-21-2005, 10:43 AM
That is exactly how Scout is to Ripley, and it probably looks similar to yours because Scout is my little petite girl and Ripley is a very big boy. It's been going on for over a year and half. What has helped the most here has been Feliway Plug-ins plus the fact that Scout has short legs and doesn't land many of her swings on Ripley. She bosses him around, runs and smacks his bottom as he jumps up on anything. She will even walk up to him sleeping and start smacking. He finally has learned to stand up for himself a little. He has never hit back but if he stands and raises his paw she will turn and run.

I think the spraying her idea is a good one too. Good luck.

03-21-2005, 06:01 PM
Thanks all!

I'm definatly going to try the spray thing, as Tigger gets so stressed out :(

I'll let you all know how it goes :)