View Full Version : We are renaming the cats

03-14-2005, 07:42 AM
To reflect their current status within the home:
Allen is the Duke of Puke (yes, he lost his King status)
Pouncer is Sir Pukealot
Harry is the Puke Miester
Abby is Princess Puke

I am up to my elbows in hairballs! Every morning this week I've awkened to sounds --- You KNOW what sounds I'm talking about --- at such fun hours as 4:00 in the morning. And here's the oh-so-fun nightly routine: I jump out of bed at the first hint of that *sound*, stumble over the dog, hunt for a towel realizing I can't see because I forgot my glasses so I stumble back over the dog, grab the glasses, and YUP, stumble back over Nicki again (thats a total of three stumbles) only to be too late - somebody coughed that hairball up before I could throw a towel below them.

And the most fun part of it all? By the time I get to the scene of the crime, ALL of them are sitting there looking at the fresh hairball like its an alien, so I have no idea if its ne particular feline or all of them at one time or another. So they all get new names! :D

03-14-2005, 08:23 AM

03-14-2005, 08:35 AM

03-14-2005, 08:38 AM
Pouncer Angel,wonders if you might make that Pouncer Pukealot,and she still wants,to be that little Tabbys namesake!

03-14-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
what she said :D

I am LOOOOOOONG past getting out of bed for "the SOUND!" It can just wait until the morning. :p

03-14-2005, 09:43 AM
Ok, Pouncer... I mean Sir Pukealot just jumped onto my drawing table and made *that noise*. I quickly tossed a piece of paper under him, which earned me a durty look... and he jumped off the table and ran upstairs. I suppose I'll find more messes upstairs waiting for me once I decide to venture up there. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Killearn Kitties
03-14-2005, 11:08 AM
Poor babies!! :D

Why do thay reverse when they are throwing up, so that you get a big looooooong sausage shape, instead of it being in the one place?

03-14-2005, 11:19 AM
Awww....poor furballs! Poor you too...that noise is so horrible! ;)

Does their food help with furballs?

03-14-2005, 12:15 PM
I used to have a big problem with Shiloh having lots of hairballs. When I put her on the Nutro Natural Complete Care (it helps with hairballs and even has an indoor cat formula), she almost stopped having them completely. I also give her a lick of hairball remedy every now and then.

03-14-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by aly
I used to have a big problem with Shiloh having lots of hairballs. When I put her on the Nutro Natural Complete Care (it helps with hairballs and even has an indoor cat formula), she almost stopped having them completely.
Thats what they eat! Ask Jenluckenbach, she witnesses me buying it at every adoption event! :D Ths is why I'm a little surprised at the amount of hairballs at the moment. All I can think is that spring is coming and they are shedding extra hair in preparation for the warm months ahead.

I also give Pouncer (the biggest culprit) the hairball gel.

03-14-2005, 01:18 PM
LOL!! Poor you and kitties. :D (oh and Nicki too!)

03-14-2005, 02:21 PM
LOL, I love the new names. I guess Ripley could join the royal court since he is often called Sir Pukesalot too.

I've been feeding my guys one of the hairball remedy treats, it's a soft triangle shaped treat. So far it's helping but I know with spring here it will get worse.

03-14-2005, 07:47 PM
Oh dear, sounds like some of mine. Dexter is my Prince of Puke around here!:rolleyes:

03-14-2005, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
what she said :D

I am LOOOOOOONG past getting out of bed for "the SOUND!" It can just wait until the morning. :p
Nope...not me! :eek: That noise (we all know it) and mosquitos will always wake me from a dead sleep! Nothing beats a cat barfing next to your head at 3AM!:rolleyes: Except unless it's accompanied by that infernal BZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: Time to stock up on hairball medicine for the "puke-a-lots"! ;)

03-16-2005, 12:30 AM
I don't know if it's hairballs or just indigestion half the time, but our cats are little puke machines sometimes too. Bailey has hardly ever done it, but Claudia and Leo have thrown up more than the other two. Leila does it every once in a while too.

I just don't know why they back up while they're puking, but it sure does spread the stuff out all over the floor! Claudia did it earlier in 3 places! She seems to not chew her food as much as she inhales it, so we think that has something to do with it sometimes. We even feed them Science Diet Hairball Control Light (Leo needs the lower calorie food) and I usually try to give them Friskies Hairball treats when I can get them on sale (they hate that syrup stuff - Kittymalt - and they also do not like Pounce Hairball treats). Oh well. It seems when they get the Friskies Hairball treats they do a lot better and don't puke, but I can't always get those b/c they're soooo expensive sometimes.

Don't you love how when one cat pukes, all the others gather around and at least one of them tries to "clean" it up by scooping at it with their paws? Silly kitties.