View Full Version : 911! Another Urgent Notice!

03-10-2005, 04:50 PM
Hello, my friends,
I received this from my animal advocate friends in Akron, Ohio. What is happening in Wisconsin is almost impossible to believe.
Subject: RE: FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Wis. Man Wants to Legalize Cat Hunting

On Monday, April 11th at the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Congress Question #62 will be up for vote in Wisconsin. Question #62 would define feral cats as an unprotected species, as if that's not bad enough, a feral cat is considered any cat without a collar and not under the control of the "owner". This means that it will be legal to hunt cats with no season or bag limit.

To see the entire question: There is a statewide campaign to defeat Question #62, led by a local coalition of animal groups and concerned individuals called Wisconsin Cat Action Team. They are organizing people to attend the hearings and voice their opinion.

What exactly can you do to help? Right now the Cat Action Team feels that letters, emails, and phone calls from out of state will not help. If the vote passes, laws would have to be changed and the proposal would go before the legislature. At that time letters and petitions will be appropriate and we will keep you updated.
The key right now is getting the word out to Wisconsin residents to attend the hearings on April 11th and vote! If you have friends or family in Wisconsin, please urge them to attend the hearings and to spread the word to their friends. The more people we can let know, the better!

For locations in each county for the meeting on the 11th go to http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/nrboard/congress/sh/lo/index.htmThe Cat Action Team is also looking for people to be County Coordinators in each county to help get the word out. Best Friends has sent out a network notice to our members nationwide and a specific one to people in Wisconsin. Alley Cat Allies is also alerting their members and doing media on the issue (print , radio, and TV nationally and locally). A website has been set up with more details and will continually be updated: Don't Shoot the Cat (www.dontshootthecat.com). Also, a Don't Shoot the Cat fact sheet is attached with more information. Please feel free to contact [email protected] for more information.


03-10-2005, 04:54 PM
The ways,and means,by which,that law,could be abused,are plentiful.It means,taht someone could legally,gun down Scratchy,and Scrappy 2,and get away,with it.Thatb is terrible,and I hope,that that is turned down,as I would loathe seeing Cat Haters,boozed up Cat Haters,being able,to shoot any Cat,that is not confined,to a house.