View Full Version : Do you have birthdays for your cats?

03-09-2005, 03:51 AM
I was just curious how many of you out there celebrate your cats' birthdays in one way or another. I know it's probably harder when you have a whole bunch, but we only have 4, so we try to celebrate each one in a special way - whether it's giving them special canned food (they regularly eat dry food) and getting out a new toy, etc...

The b'day we picked for Bailey is probably pretty close to the day he was really born, since he was approx 4-6 weeks old when we took him in as a stray on Oct 25, 2002. We chose Sept 17, 2002 as his birthdate.

Leila was approx 5 months when we adopted her May 1, 2003 - the rescue group guessed her birthdate as being Nov 25, 2002, so that's what we stuck with for her.

Leo was tougher, b/c when we adopted him, the rescue group and the vets could only guess between 1 and 2 years and that was in April 2004 - so, we guessed that he might be a little older than or close to Bailey's age - we made his birthdate July 10, 2002.

Claudia is our 4th, and our youngest. We adopted her on June 25, 2004, and it said that she was approx 1 year old in June 2004. I'm not sure if that was entirely accurate, since it seems she grew in those first few months we had her, and she still acts like a kitten, but I think that's part of her breed background. So, we still have to pick an exact birthdate for her. My birthday is June 13, so I want to keep it a few days away from that. Any suggestions on what to pick?

How about the rest of you? What's the story behind your cats' birthdates and birthday celebrations?

03-09-2005, 05:07 AM
Jasper is the only cat that we KNOW the birthdate. All the others are complete guesses. We celebrate the day of adoption as their anniversary. But we don't really DO anything in particular.

03-09-2005, 05:22 AM
RB Butterscotch and I shared a bday. Since we didnt know when he was born, we chose my bday.

Thumper shares hubbys bday which is coming up here March 26th, she will be 6 yrs old. :)

Skinny we took him in to our home in Sept. last year, we estimated his age as little under 1 yr.

Eleanor, I've got to look at her adoption papers. (It's a little early in a.m. for mom's brain to be functioning at top speed. :):D

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-09-2005, 05:31 AM
Both our cats are rescues. So we don't know their exact birthday. But we asked the vet and then we chose a day ;) . Maya was found in July and was about 5,5 months old. So we took February 1st as her special day.
Inka was found in October, guessed to be 6 weeks. We chose August 27 for her.
Our first cat Sydney (at RB) came from friends; he was born exactly on August 15th.
On the cats's birthday, we give them their favorite food, and a new toy :)

03-09-2005, 08:57 AM
John Hancock,andRocca,are the only Cats,athat I know,for sure,thier Birthdays.I haveassigned,the Other Found Cats days,based on when they came herem,andhow ,old they were,I approximated thier Birthdays.And they get thier favorite treats,and a Partee!

03-09-2005, 09:09 AM
The only kitties we have birthdays for are Lizzie and Robbie. And - they are different!!! Robbie was born Aug 11th right before midnight and the Lizzie was born with the rest of the litter on Aug 12th!! We adopted them from kimlovescats:D

We don't DO anything though - except start a birthday thread here on Cat General:D If you have no idea of the birthday, then we celebrate "Gotcha Day" - the day you "got" them!!

Samantha Puppy
03-09-2005, 09:16 AM
Sushi and Kirin are about 6-7 months old, so they haven't had a birthday yet but I will do a little something for them when they do. Sushi was born in July and Kirin in August, so I'm thinking 1 party for both of them on July 31 ought to cover it. :)

03-09-2005, 09:46 AM
Sure do. We know about when all of them were born, Pouncer being the only we know for sure.

Allen's going to be 4 years old any day now :)

03-09-2005, 09:52 AM
Because I have 5 cats, 4 of them are all the same age, I celebrate the 4 together by giving them Fancy Feast. My cat Mollie Rose will be 11 on Mother's Day.

03-09-2005, 11:53 AM
Yes, we celebrate although we don't know the exact date. AnimalSavers told me Mitzi had been born sometime in July 2000 or 2001 so we chose the 4th of July to celebrate and she's either 3 or 4 or going on 5'ish.

Mishi we have NO idea His age at adoption was estimated at around 2 years, so he's also 4 or 5'ish, although I think he's younger or maybe just dumber, er, um I mean more cute! :D my silly boy! We celebrate his gotcha-date in May.

03-09-2005, 12:02 PM
My Dear Little Tortie?Siamese Mix. And I hope wherever my Little Girl,is that in Brazil,she is the life of the Party!

03-09-2005, 05:15 PM
We sure do. We have assigned dates for their birthdays because we aren't really sure of their true ages. They get special food and a little toy.

03-09-2005, 06:50 PM
I have partys for both my cats and dogs! Special dinner, treats, catnip(cats), chew bones(dogs) and of course playtime and they even get Happy Birthday sung to them along with a cake or cupcakes and candles! I know my Missys birthday 2/27 and Sassys is a close guess from the vet when I found her on the street, 8/5. Sassy is 5 1/2 and Missy is 5, just had a birthday! :)

03-09-2005, 06:58 PM
Tigger's birthday is Oct.12th, it's a guess, as he was a stray kitty, but we guessed he was about 5-6 weeks old, very tiny.

I'm not sure of Emma's birthday, all I know is that she is "about 2 years old", but her gotcha day is the day after Tigger's birthday, he almost got a sister on his birthday ;)