View Full Version : Scared female Siamese

03-07-2005, 09:25 AM
I got an email from PurrsAbound today about a very scared female Siamese they pulled from the Michigan Humane Society. They emailed me because of my experience with feral/scared cats and asked me if I'd be willing to take her in and work with her.

So, :( my kitty population will temporarily be into the double digits. I know I can help this poor cat out. I think it has more to do with her being moved around so much that is scaring her.

What was once a 5 room apartment, is now 3 rooms for me and my 5 cats to live in. :eek:

I'm putting out a sign that says "NO VACANCY"

I'll let you know what happens once I hear from PA.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-07-2005, 09:31 AM
Aw, that is sooo generous of you!! good luck with that cat!!

Of course, we are all waiting for..... pics ;)

03-07-2005, 09:38 AM
You are an angel for takig her in. You'll work your magic on her and she'll find a wonderful new home!

03-07-2005, 10:08 AM
Donna, it was only a matter of time before you hit the double digits! You tried so hard to stay in the single numbers!;) :D

Well this will only be temporary while you help this poor scared little girl out. I'm sure she will get adopted after you have had a chance to work with her for awhile. Good luck and keep us posted.

03-07-2005, 10:40 AM

03-07-2005, 11:52 AM
My Meezers,Rocca,and John Hancock,wwere petrified,when they first came here.Especially,of Me! But they loved the Other Found Cats,and Today,they will still panic,but over all,are Great Companion Cats!Good Luck,with that Scard Siamese.

03-07-2005, 07:18 PM
I have one VERY angry lilac point siamese in my middle room!! It's no wonder though. She was surrendered by her owner who said she was not "compatible"!!! She's declawed :mad: :mad:, spayed, up to date on all her shots and is negative for leukemia and aids. The poor girl, who is estimated to be about 4-7 years old, was bounced from her original home (my friend Kathy says Meezers become VERY attached to their families) to the Humane Society in Westland, again to the Rochester Hills Humane Society, to the Michigan Veterinary Specialists and finally to my house. I figure it's gonna take AT LEAST a month before she comes around. Poor little girl is terrified, angry, upset. Don't blame her!!

I'll try to get pictures of her once she's calmed down.

03-08-2005, 10:11 AM
Poor thing. :( Thanks for taking her in Donna. With you and your crew, I'm sure she'll warm up in no time. :)

03-08-2005, 11:56 AM
Rocca,was like that,as she,and The Brreder,did not get along.But keep,with her,and we pray,that you will have a lovely Companion Cat,like Rocca,is now avery Happy Found Cat Companion.

03-08-2005, 02:25 PM
Oh yeah, Gary. I'm not giving up on her. But I think there is more to her history than they are telling me.

I went into the room this morning to get dressed and she still growled, but wasn't as agitated as when I brought her home.

When I got home from work, I brought a can of treats in with me and threw some at her (she was hiding on the side of the couch). She just sat there looking at me, blinking her eyes. I blinked back.

I'll give you updates as they happen.

Thanks guys for all your support!!

03-08-2005, 08:12 PM
Poor little sweetheart. My gosh she has been bounced around a lot.

I would love to know what the owner meant by, "Not Compatible"
Not compatible with what?????? Other cats, her furniture, with her, the color of her walls.....What??????

Donna, I am sure in no time at all, you will be telling us what a love bug this girl is becoming.

Bless you for taking her in.

Hang in there as I know you can do it girl. :)

I loved the winking back at her. Good call on your part.:D

03-14-2005, 05:39 PM
:(:( I've had Pookie a week and she's been totally unapproachable. I went in the room today and she came out and was yowling and rubbing up against me. I began petting her and out of nowhere she became aggressive and very loud!!! She went after my hand like she was going to bite it. I got up and tried going for the door and she lunged for my hand on the doorknob!!!!

I'm crying right now because I have NEVER in my life had anything like this happen to me. I have a feeling this poor cat, who is declawed, has been abused, possibly hit or something to do with the hands. I feel SO helpless and sorry for this cat. But I don't feel that I can help this cat if she won't let me near her.

I called PurrsAbound tonight and told them they will have to come and get her as I am not going back in the room.

I called my friend Kathy, who has alot of Meezers. She said, "Remember what you told me when we first met...for the one cat that CAN'T be helped, there are at least 10 cats that can. Think of the sweet little girl in the other room with those beautiful babies!!"

This sucks!!! :(:(:(

03-14-2005, 06:11 PM
:( :(

03-14-2005, 06:17 PM
Donna, you can't do everything and you should not feel guilty about that. Each person has his/her gifts, but that does not mean that he/she doesn't have failures too. The Siamese just needs someone else, someone with a different gift. hopefully she can find the help she needs.

03-14-2005, 07:41 PM
Oh Donna, I'm so sorry this has happened, but it certainly is NOT your fault!!! You definitely do not need to be attacked in your home, this poor kitty has been so traumatized, it's going to really take some work to get her tamed again! How very sad!:(

03-14-2005, 07:49 PM
Donna, Echoing what others have said...you can't risk getting attacked. It does sound like the poor cat's been through way too much, and maybe would do better in a foster home with no other cats (if that's at all possible). Maybe the scent of other cats is making her go 'off' like that. :( :confused: You tried, and that's all you can do.

03-14-2005, 09:18 PM
Ok, speaking from major personal experience here!;) Medication, medication, medication!!! No matter how hard I tried to expain it to people when it was happening with Magoo, very few can really understand what it is like to feel hated and to be attacked by a very aggressive cat. Plus, you know it won't be the last time if they get the upper paw!

I have a feeling this poor girl has some serious issues that may require some meds to help her adjust. Just keep remembering Magoo Donna. There is hope for her, but it may not be with you. Good luck, I hope she finds some peace and you be careful!