View Full Version : my mom wants to switch clubs....lol

03-05-2005, 10:34 AM
lol Elsie the woman I left the club because of have once again accused my mom of something she never did, and claiming that my mom never helps out(oddly enugh my mom helps out the most Elsie however just stands there and pretends to be confused until everyone else is finnished) and kicking my mom out of the club, so my mom thought we have this extra fire power just sitting at home(Happy) we should join the club with the fasted team in the city just to leave storm in the dust lol unfortinatly the club with the fast team currently is Kaos, they hate Happy, my moms responce? "people can forgive a lot for 3.8 seconds" lol however I just thought of another problem, Kaos is the club with 2 GSP's Happy HATES GSPs like she does not lunge fearfully when she sees a pointer she lunges to kill it, why is beyond me but she just hates them with a passion.

03-05-2005, 01:41 PM
lol my mom asked all the people that were there that night about Elsies claimes, none of them have any clue what Elsie is talking about and are begging my mom not to leave the club lol I think Elsie has some loose srews, this is not the first time she has come up with things that "someone without a reason to lie" has told her that my mom or I have done, natuerally not once has she EVER been able to produce a shred of proof and all her "whitnesses" were either not even there or had there back turned the entire time and now claim that they "saw" the whole thing. geesh Elsie need to get her head screwed on straight lol