View Full Version : *It's offcial, Tiger is my alarm clock, and a question*

03-02-2005, 10:26 AM
Tiger, our new addition sleeps in my bed with me because my dogs sleep with my parents. Anyways, he woke me up this morning at 5 am :eek: How did he wake me up? He kept on nuzzling me and what he does the best is "head butts" or he sticks his mouth up my nose(not literally) but he rubs his mouth against my nose, his breath reeks! Does anyone know if there is dental cat treats out there that freshen breath or ANYTHING, he really needs it! Thanks in advance :D btw I would rather him be my alarm clock than a real one, that is another thing that annoys me, the bell on alarm clocks

03-02-2005, 10:40 AM
There are so treats out there,that have a mint flavour,to them,although,I am not sure,where you can buy them,although Petco,would be a good bet.And tTiger,sounds,like a handfull,and a Great Companion Cat.

03-02-2005, 11:07 AM
Pet stores usually sell treats and breath freshening things. If it stinks really bad and not just your typical fishy cat food breath you may want to have his teeth and gums checked by a vet. Before Ripley's teeth were cleaned a couple of years ago his breath was so foul it could turn your hair gray.

How about some pictures of your new alarm clock???:D

03-02-2005, 12:11 PM
No pics of my alarm clock yet :( My dad is waiting for the usb cable for the digital to come then pics thanks for the advice :D it does smell fishy but it reeks BAD I will pick up some dental treats, I hope that helps.

03-02-2005, 02:24 PM
I bought some food at PetCo - by Nutro. There is MaxCat and Natural Choice and they say it helps teeth. Not sure but their breath smells better. My new cat is headbutting me too - didn['t know cats would do this! :) :) Debbie