View Full Version : Stimpy is leaving today!

02-27-2005, 10:43 AM
I am leaving the house now to take Stimpy to a foster home, they breed and rescue Toy Fox Terriers. She already has a person in mind for this little guy too!!! She is going to keep him for a little while, then will adopt him out, she will make sure he gets neutered also. She sounds like a wonderful person, I was talking to her on the phone for almost an hour last night!! When I sent his pictures to her, she started crying. Here's her website for her breeding dogs.


It's about a 1 1/2 hour drive South for me, he's a good boy in the car, he'll jump from seat to seat for a little, but then will just chill out for the rest of the ride!

I'm taking my camera so I can take pictures of all of her TFT, I think she said she has 14!! :eek:
(Micki... could you just imagine?!?!) :p

Buddy is going to be one happy boy when I come home without him! Sierra might be sad, I've been putting Buddy outside and letting Sierra and Stimpy play, they have a ball!!! He's stopped trying to mount her, I think he realizes it's a loosing situation!!
She was always such a good girl, she never got to rough with him. Just to think how sweet she is, she can go from playing with dogs weighing anywhere from 90 to 140 lbs, then play with all 8 pounds of Stimpy, and never hurt him!! She's just a good girl!

Stimpy and I are off now!

02-27-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by pitc9

She was always such a good girl, she never got to rough with him. Just to think how sweet she is, she can go from playing with dogs weighing anywhere from 90 to 140 lbs, then play with all 8 pounds of Stimpy, and never hurt him!! She's just a good girl!

That's just how Maggie is.

I hope Stimpy gets a good home:) Can't wait to see the pics of the other doggies!

02-27-2005, 10:58 AM
Best wishes for Stimpy!

02-27-2005, 11:58 AM
Safe journey, Stimpy:D I'm so happy for you and Stimpy, Angie! And what a good girl YOU are, Sierra. Bet you're gonna miss your little buddy:) Can't wait to see the pics!

02-27-2005, 12:24 PM
Buddy is going to be one happy boy when I come home without him!

dont I know that one! lol I remeber when we took Happy to the vet to be spayed, shadow came along for the ride and her reaction when we came back minus a puppy was hilarious, prancin up the sidewalk with this look on her face like "you finally came to your senses!" lol

good luck stimpy in yours new foster home!

02-27-2005, 12:59 PM
Good luck Stimpy! You're an angel Angie, and so is this lady that's taking him! :D

02-27-2005, 01:17 PM
Wishing the best for Stimpy.

02-27-2005, 06:34 PM
safe journey to you and Stimpy.
Can't wait for pics!

02-27-2005, 08:13 PM
Well, I'm back now, I've been home for a while, but had to clean everything Stimpy touched so Buddy didn't get any ideas!
(like peeing on anything that smelled like him)

I stayed at the ladies house for 2 hours!
She was a wonderful person, so were all of her dogs!
I could NOT count how many she had, but I do know the one was not a Toy Fox Terrier, I think he was a rat terrier, he is a pet, so were 7 of the TFTs. She had two litters of pups, one 3 weeks old, and the other litter was 6 weeks old.
We stayed out in her building that she called the dog house, but it was huge!! She had a full kitchen, two rooms for pups and mommies, and two other rooms for all the pups to run around in.
Stimpy fit in PERFECT!!! He fit in just like he was part of their family all along! I was so happy!! She just loved him, and she would love to know what breeder he came from, because she says he looks like the perfect TFT!

Enough talking... on with the pictures!

In my driveway, ready to go!

Are we there yet?

He likes the view from the drivers seat much better!

This is him with his back feet on my leg, and his front feet on the door.

Here he is, squeezing between me and the window watching the cars go by.

Then he found the perfect spot. He was laying with half his body on my leg and half on the arm rest.

He fell asleep like this

Next up.... all the other pups!!!!

02-27-2005, 08:20 PM
Hey... you all look like me!


If you look at the pup on the left... all of the boys had to pee on each other just once... then they were all fine with each other!

Here are two of the 3 week old puppies playing in the food bowl.

One of the 6 week old pups.

Another of the 6 week olds

We quickly realized Stimpy was fitting in perfectly and she took down the gate.

Stimpy is the only one with a collar on, so it's easy to spot him!

More of the gang playing.

My quiet ride home

02-27-2005, 08:24 PM
I bet you were an amazing mommy to Stimpy while he was staying at your "Hotel Residence" and he even got all you can eat, room service, talk about spoiled! I bet you'll sure miss him.

I just LOVE the pups, if I was down there I would have stolen one:p ;) It must've been hard to resist! WHOA! Is that a TFT in the first pic on the left sniffing the cage! :eek:

We'll miss ya Stimp' Have fun at your partial and then new FUR-ever home!

02-27-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
WHOA! Is that a TFT in the first pic on the left sniffing the cage! :eek:

LOL!! No... I think she said it was a Rat Terrier? It's funny because I said the same thing to her about him! His name is Moose! Ha! Ha!! Go Figure! :p

02-27-2005, 08:40 PM
Awwww, I'm glad Stimpy fit in well.

That lady has a ton of dogs :eek:

02-28-2005, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by aly
That lady has a ton of dogs :eek:

Yeah, but her place was spotless and her building was perfectly set up, I loved it!!

In the two hours I was there, two people called about wanting puppies (she let the answering machine get the calls while I was there) and she showed me pictures of the reunion's she has at her place once a year for all of the puppies she sells to people. Two of the puppies that were there are going to San Diego, and one other is going to Southern Ohio.
To tell you the truth... I get nervous about breeders. I just don't like the idea of selling puppies for money, it just all seems like greed to me. But she really gave me a totally different feeling.
I know Stimpy is going to get the care he needs to get better, and the home he's going to go to sounds perfect!!

02-28-2005, 06:00 PM
Stimpy's foster mom called today and let me know he is still having a blast with all of his look alike friends!!

02-28-2005, 09:49 PM
aw what a happy ending. sounds like the perfect place for him. Im sure she will find him the best home possible. :) great pictures too- such cute puppies! stimpy blends right in! :)

02-28-2005, 10:05 PM
it's great Stimpy is getting along over there. i ope he gets a home soon.

02-28-2005, 10:36 PM
Well Angie I'm really glad that you were able to find some place to take this little cutie pie. She sounds like a great person and I'm sure she's going to find Stimpy a wonderful home:D

Sorry the ride home was so quiet:(

03-01-2005, 12:08 AM
What a wonderful place for Stimpy to enjoy till he finds his forever home! Good luck, Stimpy!