View Full Version : -sigh-

02-10-2005, 07:05 PM
Need a good venting. lol.

I just got back from my guitar lesson, which until now, was going pretty good. I thought the guy (John) was cool and knew his music stuff really well. I still think the same, but I would like to add 'Arrogant jerk' too ;)

I'm probably looking to deep into this, but I can't help but think he was just being rude. He was teaching me how to play the song 'Broken' as it was on the CD he asked me to bring in of stuff I want to learn. After a while (I guess I wasn't doing too good?) he stops and was like 'This is really frustrating. What about you? Are you frustrated??" o_O I was like "...Sorry??"

So he says the song is probably too hard for me...Which *I* didn't think was too hard, I just need time to play around with it myself. I really think I could get it if I worked on it...but you know, that's kind of a confidence smasher.

After that, he just seemed really bored and annoyed till he eventually just stopped and said "Ok, we'll work on 'Black Bird' next time." Gives me my book back and looks at me for a minute. (There is still 10 minutes left and I'm like...so are we finished? o_O He did this last week too and said we'd go 10 mins over...urg) I just left.

I don't know, but it just seemed really rude to me. I have no confidence in myself and I feel I'll never learn to play good...Then stuff like this happens and reassures me I'm right about it.

Oh yeah, I think he told me about 50 times my nails were too long. Yeah, I know. I simply forgot to cut them.

AND THEN, there is the receptionist (who I'm afraid to tell I don't plan on staying there and paying any more for the rest of the lessons. (I've paid for like 4 so far and have had 2) but anyway, I told her I didn't want to take my make up classes and she just looked at me and said 'Well, they're already booked' and I was like 'Yeah, but I never paid for them, so I'd rather jsut not take them' Then she had to go ask John if that was ok. (not sure why)

So yeah. I guess I'm being silly about it, but I'm paying $25 an HOUR. I don't really want to feel like I suck any more then I know I do ;) I think I'll finish my last 2 lessons and see about getting lessons from someone else. I think someone doing it on their own would be best....I duno. Do you guys think I'm looking to far into it??

02-10-2005, 07:14 PM
I think he sounds kinda rude, and mean. I would say "screw him" and get another teacher. You SHOULD NOT pay someone to talk down to you, I mean, you are HIS boss , you are paying him. So I would not take it. Either talk to him about it and get things straight, or just tell him you want a refund because it is not oing to work out. That you need someone more understanding, and less frustrating as a teacher;)

02-10-2005, 07:21 PM
I agree. He sounds like a real jerk and you don't need that. Take your hard earned money elsewhere. If I were there, I could tell him off for you :p Don't take crap from people! To a certain extent, we allow it. For you to gain more self confidence, you've got to start standing up for yourself. Otherwise, people are going to see that and walk all over you. I wouldn't waste time on worrying about that guy because he's surely not worth it. Find someone who's happy to be teaching, not frustrated.

02-10-2005, 07:24 PM
lol. Hey Val, wanna fly up here and do that?? :P I think I'll just go somewhere else and not say anything to him. I'm really not good at that....

02-10-2005, 07:31 PM
Got an email address? If not, have your mom call him and rip him a new one. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with that!

02-10-2005, 07:34 PM
But Honey, if you dont tell him why, he wont know. He will just keep doing it to other people. You dont have to be rude or confrontational. Just stay calm, and collected.
Even if you have to call him, just say something like " Hi, Mr. whoever you are, I am sorry to inform you that I will not be participating in your lessons anymore. I felt that you were not the right teacher for me. I need someone less frustrated, and more understanding. I am sorry if this causes any trouble. Thank you for your time" and then hang up;) You could even type a letter and drop it by if you had too.
It is alot more grown up to talk about it, then to just say I am not going back. You will help others by taling it through with him;)

02-10-2005, 08:59 PM
Actually, he has a website..I should bomb his inbox..lol jk. He seems like a good person and stuff..but I duno

02-10-2005, 11:37 PM
$25 an hour actually isn't too bad. I paid $20 an hour for mine, which is VERYYYYY cheap for guitar lessons here... Most people charge like, $40 - 50 or so an hour. :eek:

Don't know why your teacher was acting so rude though. The important thing is that you take the time every day, at least an hour a day, to just sit down and play... play songs you know, and try to make up little things.. just play! The more you play, the better you will get. ;) Don't give up!! I KNOW you can do it!!! :D

Maybe try looking around to see if you can find another, better teacher?

02-11-2005, 01:12 AM
You are never going to learn without having some empathy with the teacher. He just sounds like a real tosser. I first started taking guitar lessons at about 13, and the teacher was tops, most likely a saint or something because he had patience in spades. It took me forever to get chord rifts right.

I found that listening to the song over & over when I practiced at home really helped. Escpecially when you get those difficult chord changes like four in the one bar or something.
When you get another teacher, try and have a good talk first and see if you click.

Good luck with the playing. Guitar is supposed to be fun not frustrating.

02-11-2005, 11:24 AM
Di: I know, but I don't have a lot of money for lessons....

I do practice, but when he is like 'oh no, this is frustrating.' Or 'The song is too hard' isn't it up to me to know if the song is too hard or not? I felt with some practice I could learn the song. I didn't htink it was too hard...

Like I said, I don't think he is a bad person, and he is definitly excellent with the guitar, but he's not a good teacher for ME. I'm sure other ppl think he's a wonderful teacher