View Full Version : 4-year-old drives mom's car to video store

02-07-2005, 11:40 AM
Only in Michigan?! :eek:


SAND LAKE, Michigan (AP) -- A boy drove his mother's car to a video store in the middle of the night, police said -- and he's all of 4 years old.

Although unable to reach the accelerator, the boy managed to put the car in gear and make his way to the store, a quarter-mile from his home, about 1:30 a.m. Friday, Sand Lake Police Chief Doug Heugel said. Finding the store closed, the youngster began a slow trip home.

Weaving and with its headlights off, the car got the attention of Officer Jay Osga, who first thought he was following a car that had been left running at a gas pump.

He flipped on his lights when the car turned into the apartment complex and struck two parked cars. The boy put the car in reverse and struck Osga's cruiser.

The mother told police her son tried to drive the car earlier after she let him steer from her lap.

"He's 4 years old. His mom didn't even know he was up," Heugel told The Grand Rapids Press. "I don't think he even realizes what he did."

No charges will be filed against the boy or his mother, Heugel said.

02-07-2005, 11:43 AM
Wow, don't even know what to say...lol

02-09-2005, 08:50 AM
I saw that the other day, too - on Netscape. Can you believe that kid not only remembered how to drive the car, but remembered how to get to the video store and back home again?!

That must be one smart kid!

02-09-2005, 10:08 AM
I wonder what video he was going after???


02-09-2005, 12:53 PM
He went to go get a racing game from th video store. I saw that 2 nights ago on the news. I couldn't help but laugh that a 4 year old could drive.