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View Full Version : Tracking Poo....

02-07-2005, 08:35 AM
My friend's cat is tracking poo through her house! The little kitty (a female, about 5 - 6 months old, saved from being a stray) likes to play in its litter box. However, it often gets poo on its feet and doesn't clean them off, tracking poo through the house. She is eating Purina Kitten Chow. She doesn't poo anywhere *but* the box but she tracks the poo with her as she leaves. Any ideas on how to make her stop?

02-07-2005, 08:36 AM
I would try,a litter gitter tray,maybe some,of the poo,will waer off.Otherwise have some towlettes,to wipe her feet,as poo,can spread germs!

Laura's Babies
02-07-2005, 08:48 AM
I would suggest Science Diet kitten chow... Makes a firmer stool and they eat less so they go less.

02-07-2005, 11:24 AM
tracking poo? Sounds like a touch of diarehea....may want to check that, wet food can be very hard on a babies tummy too.....good luck