View Full Version : watching TV

02-04-2005, 09:28 PM
My lab used to watch tv. Not just glance at it for a minute or two. She would watch for 15 minutes or more. You could see her eyes and head move with the action. She would freak out at any animal on the TV. I used to watch animal planet with her and she would go wild. The first few time she saw animals on the tv she would search behind the tv looking for them. :D My new pups glances at the tv from time to time. She isnt interested in it yet. Do your dogs watch the TV?

Do dogs see in color?

02-04-2005, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Bullboxer
Do dogs see in color?

Yes dog's do see in colour, they jsut aren't as vibrant to them as they are to us.

Echo watches TV all the time! She loves Charlie brown lol. We put in a video for her often while we aren't home, she sits and stares at the TV for a long. She also likes watching agility and flyball:) Tango occasionally growls and tries to attack the TV when she see's a brindle dog:rolleyes::o I don't know why she hates brindle dogs so much. Tia looks at the TV every so often only if there's another Dachshund or Rottweiler on it lol. Echo's the only one who actually watches it though...