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View Full Version : dog hair in the car (need ideas)

finn's mom
01-25-2005, 03:04 PM
Hey, all. It's Kari aka guster girl. Finn sheds. :) A lot. :) And, I'm assuming most everyone in here has the same problems with their dogs. I don't know if it's worse with labradors than some other breeds, but, I know it's worse with Finn than it has been with any other dog I've ever had in my life (except for a siberian husky who lived with me once). I know I don't vacuum my car out enough, and, I plan on fixing that. Finn rides in the car at least twice a week. I know I can get covers for the seats he's in, which I'll do. But, I'd need to find some that are durable and washable. I just know that a lot of stuff that even once it's washed, still has dog hair woven into the material. SO....my question is does anyone know of any fabulous vacuums that will actually suck dog hair out of cloth car seats and carpeted car floorboards? Or, does anyone know of some car seat covers (front and back) that will be easily put on and taken off and that will hold up after multiple washings? I'm just having a hard time with getting the dog hair off my car seats and off the floorboards, the stuff weaves in and is seemingly glued. :) Anywho...thanks for any advice!

01-25-2005, 03:10 PM
the best vacuum ever for pet hair is a Rainbow brand, which unfortunatly cost almost $2000.00. I know I won't have one any time soon, maybe one of those "SHARK" car vacuums...they're at Wal Mart...other than that, I don't know. I have leather seats, so I don't have that problem. Hope you find what you need, good luck!!;)

finn's mom
01-25-2005, 04:42 PM
I think I'm going to have leather seats in my next car for that very reason! ha ha, i'm really hoping to find some seat covers or blankets or something that will wash well. i just hate washing blankets and stuff and they come out still hairy! ;) but, i don't mind keeping covers or blankets in the trunk, i may have to just start doing that.....but, i still want any advice on which covers or blankets work well! thanks for the reply, though! i had a kirby once, so, i know it's worth the money.....but, i just don't have it right now! maybe one day! :)

01-25-2005, 04:51 PM
I have to say I have a Dyson and it has an attachment just for stuff like that! It's the best!
Last summer one of my friends and her 3 huskies plus my two girls were in the back of my durango with the seats down (I do have leather but it's not leather on the back of the seats) and OMG you should have seen the hair on those seats and in the floor:eek: :eek: :eek: I thought it would never come up. But I used the animal attachment and it came up like nothing! I was on happy girl:D

So my suggestion would be a Dyson...I think they rock!

01-25-2005, 05:02 PM
I think the purple Dyson is actually made for pet hair...I want one too...they're about 500.00 around here...I have a Bissel Lift Off and it does a pretty good job, you just have to de-hair the carpet brush when you're done, but at least it's all in one place!:D

01-25-2005, 05:38 PM
Leather/vinyl seat covers are great. :D

01-25-2005, 05:39 PM
I like my Dyson too. :D

You can try large masking tape.
I use it on my clothes so I figure it must
work for car seats too.
I would suggest that you put a towel, seat cover or a throw on
your car seat to keep it clean.
I have towels on mine, but the big dogs
are not alowed on the seats.
(As for the car carpet, I must admitt I am lazy about
cleaning that.)
Everybody in my family knows I bought my car
for my dogs so they better not complain. ;)

01-25-2005, 06:56 PM
I've got leather seats, but like Anna said the hair gets on the back of the seats and the carpet. I use these car seat covers from petsmart, that are durable and washable:

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 9313&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302032886&bmUID=1106700781948

Then about every 6 months, I take the car to the car wash and have somebody else hassle with getting all the hair up. It's worth the money to me.


01-25-2005, 06:56 PM
I got a newer car a few months ago and I'm keeping my old one as my dogmobile. I've kind of given up on even trying to defur it, but rubbing with a damp washcloth seems to help de-fur the seats. Nothing seems to help the carpet, though.

finn's mom
01-26-2005, 09:52 AM
Hey, everyone. Thanks for all the tips. I may look into a Dyson. I've honestly never heard of that! But, $500 is more do-able than a $2000+ Kirby or Rainbow, that's for sure! :) I'll also check out those seat covers from Petsmart...thanks again everyone! :)

01-26-2005, 10:51 AM
Dyson's are FANTASTIC! I just bought one after a recommendatiuon from my son and daughter-in-law.

I can't believe how well it picks up pet hair. My Carly (GSD mix) sheds so much - I'm surprised she still has hair on her body as much as I find lying around the house. This thing picks up all that hair and all the dust we get. I hesitated, but it's honestly worth the money.

finn's mom
01-26-2005, 12:55 PM
Thank you for the Dyson suggestion. Can you get them in stores or is it only online? I need to look it up and find out more about them.......I hope I can get one within the year....

01-26-2005, 01:06 PM
I bought mine at Sears, but I was checking out Ebay the other day and they had a brand new one listed there cheaper than you can get it in any store.

finn's mom
01-26-2005, 05:56 PM
Hey, thanks again for the advice! I'll be on ebay as soon as I finish replying in here! :)

01-26-2005, 06:16 PM
Hi, Kari! I was just thinking of you. I was going to PM you and see what you are up to. I hope all is well!

finn's mom
01-26-2005, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Hi, Kari! I was just thinking of you. I was going to PM you and see what you are up to. I hope all is well!

What's up, Tonya! PM if you'd like, all is super here in mine and Finn's world. ;) Glad you were thinkin' of me!!!! That's the cherry on the top of a great day! so, thank you!

01-26-2005, 08:57 PM
I had the same problem with stubborn hair sticking to the seats and mats...so i made it a must to get leather seats in the next vehicle, and that is what we did...so i can thank Dale for that ;), or i might not have gotten leather, and I love it!! I know that wouldnt be a must for you right now...so until you can afford the Dyson ( which i plan to look into now that it has such rave reviews)...you can by vinyl fabric at walmart ( in their craft department), or any other fabric store, and that might be a temporary fix...or those seat covers someone posted about...

good luck :)

Chris J
01-27-2005, 10:05 PM
I'm in the Dyson business if anyone is interested in one check out my web site.

01-27-2005, 10:17 PM
I have a 6 1/4 hp shop vac that I bought a few years ago at Canadian Tire, it was a while ago but it seems to me I paid about $250. I use it for all sorts of things but it is magic on dog hair in the car not to mention all the spots that my stand-up vacuum can't get and so the hair piles up big time (behind the computer desk comes to mind!).

01-27-2005, 10:22 PM
ps......I forgot to mention another magic use for the shop vac. It is a wet/dry and does a pretty incredible job of drying the dogs after a bath. Bud loves it, Tasha, well..............not so much.

01-28-2005, 01:47 AM
Two words,
Dyson and Costco.

finn's mom
01-28-2005, 09:41 AM
Wow, guys, thank you so much for all the ideas! Looks like I'll be heading to Costco within the month. :) And, I'll check out at that website as well........and, the other vacuum mentioned sounds awesome, too!

Chris J
01-28-2005, 10:24 AM
The best right now is the new and improved DC07 which is now called the DC14.