View Full Version : Aggression????

01-24-2005, 06:34 PM
Tonight I was eating my dinner and the kittys came in and asked for a piece of my dinner (nothing new) I threw a piece to Fifa and he put it in his mouth and before I could even throw a piece to Pixie She attacked him and made this loud growling noise. It wasn't playing either. I was so surprised I didn't know how to react. I shouted Pixie NO and put her in her cage I just reacted fast and didn't wan't her to think she got away with it. She has done this once before that I know about, but it wasn't over food it was over a scrunchie. Now I know Fifa does sneak up here and steal her kitten food is she reacting because of this?? Does she think hes taking over her food or something? After her "time out" I took her down and told her to give Fifa a kiss and say sorry lol... she did groom him so everything is back to normal now. What should I do??? and if it happens again how should I punish her or is it even possible to punish a cat. She is not an unhappy cat and I will delete this thread if I get any nasty comments I try my best to make my pets happy I have just never seen a cat act like this before maybe I am spoiling her too much and she knows it.:confused: :confused:

01-24-2005, 06:40 PM
I have had cats my entire life, and sometimes they are just little, um, brats! There's no reason to it, they just freak out...especially over food. My cats act like they've never been fed in their life...I think it's just greediness!

01-24-2005, 10:44 PM
I think some cats have more catitude than others! I wouldn't worry about it. I think they will figure it out for themselves. Unfortunately there will always be a dominant one! I think this part of their *wild* side! LOL

01-25-2005, 09:30 AM
Some Cats,have grown up,and have had,to fight,for thier dinner,but they alwatys calm down,when they know,that the dishes,will always be full.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-25-2005, 10:20 AM
I think you did the perfect thing. She needs to know this behavior is unacceptable. The good news is she doesn't do it often. And if anyone slams you for giving her a time out, then they have a problem. Cats do need to have limits set for them, just like kids - even though we know the minute our back is turned they are going to overstep their boundaries. They do learn acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and giving her a time out was the right way to do it. :)