View Full Version : Another Rescue ... before the snow storm hits!

01-22-2005, 03:31 PM
I received a call today, a woman picked up a pregnant cat and a young male cat who were dumped at a nearby Wal-Mart store. We are in the process right now of having a winter storm hit us. So, as if I had a choice ... they have moved in to Cats4Keeps!;) Mom does look to be pregnant, but she is extremely peeved right now .. and I have 3 puncture wounds on my arm to prove it!:eek: Little male looks to probably be a 'leftover' from a previous litter ... you know the typical scenario .... Female gets pg, has kittens, "oh we'll keep the male (he won't get pregnant):rolleyes: but hey, we didn't spay mom yet, and darn, she's pregnant again ... well, we have to dump them both off somewhere!!!":mad: :mad: :mad:

Mom is a beautiful calico (shorthair) looks so much like my RB foster Tawny ... and son is an orangie and white ... and very sweet already! OF COURSE!:D

Stay tuned for pics! Wish us luck ....;)

01-22-2005, 04:00 PM
Oh Kim, I hope your wounds are not too serious. Please keep an eye on your arm.

They sound adorable and can't wait to see pictures.:)

01-22-2005, 04:07 PM
Gosh, that is such a good story...I only wish I had the room here. I'd have every homeless animal in Illinois!

01-22-2005, 04:57 PM
I've been there, and done that Kim! Wal-Mart seems to be a favorite place for cretins to dump unwanted cats. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Hope the female hasn't just had kittens! I've had to TNR (when I can) females that I get home, and then find out the next morning they're filled up with milk. I lucked out with one that I had to let go unspayed. Went back the next day, and found her nest of newborns! Trapped her again using the babies as bait. ;) Hope she didn't get you too bad! Hot soak in Epsom salts if possible to draw out toxins. ;)

01-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Kim I'm so glad you took them in! (as if you wouldn't;)) Poor momma must be scared to death but that doesn't make the wounds feel any better does it?
An orange and white male huh? Another Leroy or Harry? I can't wait for pictures!!!:D
Take care of your arm and watch out for a nasty infection!

01-22-2005, 06:43 PM
Well, I'm sitting here almost in tears. I just stuck my hand into the Momma cat's kennel (after pouring food for her) and tried to pet her head ... she immediately lashed out at me and sliced up my right hand to match my left arm. :( We got off on such a bad start, because the people who brought her only had her one night, and they carried her into my house. As soon as I reached for her today, she smelled the other cats and went nuts. I scruffed her from the young girl's arms and took her back to my bathroom to chill for a while. Well, she didn't chill, and I had to arm my self with gloves and a heavy coat to try and catch her. I finally just dove in and scruffed her and dropped her into the kennel. She was fighting and hissing the whole way. Now she hates me and will never trust me ... instead she wants to remove my limbs everytime I come near her. It hurts me so badly, I'm not used to any kitty disliking me, and I want to take care of her and her babies so bad ... now I feel like I started off too abruptly with her, and she will never trust me. Someone with some feral experience, PLEASE help me with this. I am so sad and hurt over this ... her son is shy but is lying on my bed and will let me pet him. She just stares at me through the kennel bars. :( :(

01-22-2005, 06:49 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry that mom cat is hating you. I'm sure she'll come around once the fear subsides. Please take care of your arms before any infection takes hold.

01-22-2005, 06:59 PM
Ok Kim I have one word to help you through this....


I know exactly how you feel. It hurts your feelings as well as your body!:eek: You need to get her in a cage or keep her in the kennel. Cover it and leave her be until tomorrow. Then be prepared to spend lots of time talking or reading to her so she can get used to your voice and all the surrounding sounds and smells. Don't make eye contact with her and don't try to touch her again for at least a few days. Talk, talk, talk! A cage would be better so you can change the litter box and give her food and water without having to get to close to her. She needs to have time to feel secure. Time, time and more time is what it is going to take. Remember you have no idea what has happened to her in the past or what will really frighten her. Give her time to learn about you while you learn about her.
I would also make sure to wear heavy gloves and long sleeves before putting my hand into her cage. Are you sure she isn't in labor? Maybe she is pain and terrified.

01-22-2005, 07:22 PM
Lisa, I tend to call everything a kennel ... makes me feel better than using the word "cage"!:rolleyes: She is in my nice cage that is at waist level on rollers. I have plenty of room to slip her food / water in and out without risking my limbs! ;) I just am stubborn and want so badly to make her love me ... I will have to stop that for now and do as you have suggested. Luckily her son is letting us pet and touch him all over, no purring, but he is tolerant. That at least makes me feel better .... I would really be down and out if I couldn't love on either one of them.

I am sure she isn't in labor ... no heavy breathing, and the brief moment I was able to feel her belly this afternoon, she didn't seem tight enough yet. I still am not postive she is pregnant, but pretty sure, as she has the solid bulges on the sides. ;)

Thank you so much, Lisa for reminding me of Magoo. I guess I have just always been so lucky so far to have mostly non-agressive cats ... even my ferals. Jerry reminded me tonight about how long it took Boots, Bonnie and Marmy to let me pet them ... but like I said, at least they didn't want to hurt me!:rolleyes:

My camera battery needs to be recharged .... I might be able to get one quick shot ... if not, there will be pics tomorrow!


01-22-2005, 07:38 PM
I wish you lots of luck at gaining her trust! I have a rubber arm (Halloween prank) that I put on a long dowel to test the cats before I use my own arm. Luck has it, I'm not torn to ribbons, as most of the cats I've taken in during the year have been quite mellow. ;) I'd cover the cage totally, and leave her be for the night at least. I just sent out for adoption, one kitty that sounds much like your girl. She has obviously been abused (abandonment is abuse:mad: ) and I couldn't touch her for over two weeks.:( Needless to say, the cage she was in wasn't cleaned as it should have been, but I was able to distract her with wet food long enough to grab the litterpan and clean it. Other cats seemed to make her really upset, but as time went by she started to trust me. Vet appointment showed two broken upper canines (she's not even a year old) :( but she has come a long way since I took her in. Have patience Kim, and everything will be OK. ;)

01-22-2005, 08:10 PM
Thanks, Jan!;)

01-22-2005, 08:54 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry that you are hurting this way, but Jan and Lisa have given you some very good advice. I'm glad you are able to pet her son as this must give you some solace.

All in due time dear friend, all in due time. Keep the faith.

(((((HUGS))))) :)

K & L
01-22-2005, 09:06 PM
Kim is there a chance she's feral? I'm sure she's very frightened and not that she doesn't like you. She sounds feral or semi-feral to me. Just take things slowly and eventually she'll come around. I know you are pretty much an expert and will do the right thing! Hang in there and thanks for rescuing them!

01-22-2005, 09:14 PM
Thanks, Lorraine!

Lisa ... I'm wondering the same ... but the strange thing is the people who only had her for one night, carried her in their car with no pet taxi and carried her in their arms into my house. She was fine at first, I was feeling her belly and all the sudden she freaked on the girl. I quickly grabbed her away from her (by the scruff) so she wouldn't be hurt. This young girl was a pregnant 15 year old! Luckily she didn't get any scratches on her. I'm really puzzled ... I really think we just got started off on the wrong PAW!:rolleyes: ;)

K & L
01-22-2005, 09:28 PM
Sometimes a feral will become very submissive in a strange environment. We can hardly get near our feral Blaze. We had to take him to the vet one time and finally captured him by throwing a blanket over him and shoving him into the carrier. We told the vet to be very careful that he is very feral. The vet took him out of the carrier, examined him, gave him his shots, and put him back in the carrier. We couldn't believe it. We still to this day can hardly get near him. It really sounds like she may be a bit on the feral side. You can see the feral in him:


01-22-2005, 09:31 PM
WOW, now that is something. I really do think she probably is feral. I'm thinking she and her son may have been living outside of this Wal-Mart for some time. The only thing is they both are SO clean!!! Even their ears inside are spotless! I wouldn't think a feral would look so good. HMMM.:confused:

01-23-2005, 12:54 PM
Bless You,for helping those Two Strays,and we pray,that Momma cat,and her Kittens,will be All Right!

K & L
01-23-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
WOW, now that is something. I really do think she probably is feral. I'm thinking she and her son may have been living outside of this Wal-Mart for some time. The only thing is they both are SO clean!!! Even their ears inside are spotless! I wouldn't think a feral would look so good. HMMM.:confused:

It's is so strange because every feral at the park had the cleanest ears! The vets always commented on that. I do think she is feral though and hopefully will come around with time!

01-23-2005, 08:02 PM
Wow, they put my house kitties to shame! :rolleyes:
Well, I am just hoping that her babies were fathered by someone other than her own son. He is definitely old enough I think. I just hope he hasn't discovered his manlihood yet!:confused:

01-23-2005, 08:36 PM
Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were "caught" at Wal-mart. These people could be lying to getyou to take their cats. (which would explain why the female could lay in the child's arms).

But no matter,

You know better than anyone that Time is your friend. Go slow and be persistant and as unthreatening in your motions as possible. She'll come around.